Summer Challenge Memorial Day to Labor Day



  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member

    cw-218 DOWN 1 from start
    waist-36 no change
    hips-50.5 DOWN .25inches
    breast-41.75 no change

  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    ok not entirely sure what to post as I restarted my entire diet/exercise yesterday

    My weight is 243 6/5/11 so no change (ToM is due any day)
    I am doing measurements privately too shy (I am huge lol)

    Inspiration for this week- I bought a Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor and now I want to exercise more to see what my real actual results for calories burned are compared to what mfp database says it would be or vs my gym equiptment numbers. Also bought the Primal BluePrint diet and quick/easy cookbook so will be reading those this week so I can begin them next week. I also got a Leslie Sansone walk&firm interval training exercise dvd that came with stretch bands that I cant wait to use so super motivated to get this week going!

    My desert of the week that is healthy would be weight watchers ice cream bars, either the chocolate raspberry bars or the english toffee bars , they are 80 calories each and taste like a major indulgence!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Weight: 260.8
    Waist: 41 inches
    Hips: 52 inches
    Bust: 43.5 inches

    Inspiration: My other MFP challenges. I'm also doing a walking and bike "miles" challenge so I can have good circulation and a no junk food challenge to eliminate sweets/sodas this month. So far, so good. Looks like all of my challenges are working!
  • linz_83
    linz_83 Posts: 45
    better late then never. . .

    I am in after week one -3lbs !!

    This week was slow and lazy, i barely worked out but kept my food under goal all week. (so i plan to measure once a month)

    I am not a big dessert eater but my treat this week was light beer! I dont know if anyone is big on beer, but I noticed MGD (the 64cal beer) now has a 64cal lemonade!! we are picnicers, and lake ppl so having a good low cal beer is crucial for me! lol

    my inspiration this week is : knowing I have lost 12lbs in 1month and 1week. . . and I feel so great! my clothes are comfortable and I have more energy, and I want MORE!

    my goal is to jog again, I tried 3X last week and it felt so good. I plan to do intervals 5X this week.
    also to keep my soduim down.

    I wish everyone the very best for the week:drinker: LETS KICK SOME BUTT!
  • serendipityrr
    serendipityrr Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone, I am late posting too...
    My weight is 204.5lbs
    I will take new measurements tomorrow.

    I have been having a rough couple weeks. Totally fell off the boat, so to speak. Lost 11lbs and then fell right off. Ifyou have any motivation you think will help, please send my way!

  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    It seems a few of us are having a difficult time getting in the swing of things for our summer challenge.

    I am guilty of letting life's unexpected difficulties get in the way of my short term goal and my lifetime changes.

    I SAY WE REGROUP AND GET ACTIVE THIS WEEKEND. I was finally able to get in a workout after almost a week of slacking and stressing and I feel GREAT. Monday evening I hope we all have positive things to report.

    Thank you all for putting your health first and joining this challenge. No matter our methods, I hope we all find a new healthier rythm this summer that works for us and our life styles.
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Yummy...dark chocolate with a hint of sea salt shavings over diced strawberries with a dollop of cool whip. So tastey!
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    My inspiration for the week...Saturday is a good friend's 30th birthday party. She has had a long hard 2 years with a lot of loss and stress. We spoke many times last summer and fall about getting healthy before our next birthday and we need very little to get there. I want to be an example to her that it can be done and I am here for her every step of the way.

    Hope everyone has stayed motivated!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Weight: 257.2 lbs
    Waist: 41 inches
    Hips: 51 inches
    Bust: 42.5 inches

    I feel great! Lost 3.6 lbs since last weigh in & 1.5 inches....white pants for Labor Day here I come!
  • linz_83
    linz_83 Posts: 45
    Well its monday again isnt it. . . and I am down another 2lbs! :tongue:

    That is a total of 6lbs this month PLUS the 10 from last month.
    I am starting to feel it too and Its a really good feeling!

    My motivation this week is a 3day bible convention where all my friends and family will be.
    I feel better in my clothes and I am not stopping now!

    Have a great week:drinker:
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    I hit 217 this week and I feel wonderful!!! It's coming off slowly but surely! Didn't get a chance to measure. It's been a hectic day. I'm so proud of you guys!
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Cardio challenge: break out grade school favorites. Dust off or borrow a jump rope or a hula hoop. Both burn an insane amount of calories and work that jiggly mid section. Try to hang in there for 10 to 20 min to get your heart rate up!
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    This week I inspired to get even closer to 210 by embracing strength training
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Alright its Monday!
    Im 215 today! My dedication is working. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Say it isn't so…I gained 7.4 lbs! Between traveling and TOM, things have really changed. No fear, I know what to do and I'll just do it! No changes in the inches though.

    Weight: 264.6 lbs
    Waist: 41 inches
    Hips: 51 inches
    Bust: 42.5 inches
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Weight: 260 lbs
    Waist: 40.5 inches
    Hips: 50.5 inches
    Bust: 42 inches

    I was able to lose some of the weight that I gained from traveling! So, I'm happy w/that

    From last week, I lost 4.6 lbs and 1.5 inches!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Guess I'm the only one posting this challenge over?

    Weight: 260 lbs
    Waist: 40.5 inches
    Hips: 50.5 inches
    Bust: 42 inches

    No change from last week. Not bad since I'm on vacation.
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    No mam! I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I've only been logging innon my phone which doesn't give me full access to the site. We are a month and a week into the summer challenge and I'm sincerely sorry for my slacking, but I'm still in and fully support the quest to get a little smaller.

  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Happy Monday. So I gained albs since last weigh in! :( I knew it would happen but it's still never fun to see when my goal was 30lbs by summer's end. Today's is a new day and I'm already making better choices. Good luck!

  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Weight: 257.8 lbs
    Waist: 40.5 inches
    Hips: 50.5 inches
    Bust: 41 inches

    Glad we still have the challenge going on! It doesn't take many to have accountability!