Sleepy all the time

eversits Posts: 177 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I recently started kickboxing which involves intense cardio and I also do bootcamp style workouts about four-five times a week in the past two months. Ever since I started working out all I want to do is sleep. I just woke up from a nine-hour night sleep, but I could easily go back to bed for another hour or two. I am watching what I am eating and I am having enough calories and I drink enough water... And No I am not pregnant! Is anybody else experiencing this? I thought that exercise gives you energy, but it feels like that I am on NightQuil all the time!


  • anjalip
    anjalip Posts: 3
    I think you are exerting too much ..try to reduce your exercise and then see if it works ! also follow some relaxation techniques to cool you down after exercise !
    good luck
  • vpwelsh
    vpwelsh Posts: 31
    low blood sugar or thyroid issues maybe?
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    I just had a recent check-up with the doctor, and I am completely 100% fine. Also, I am working out with a trainer and we do relaxation streches after the workouts.
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    I just went through this last week. I thought for sure I was getting sick. Then I upped my calories by 300 a day, esp on the days I do circuit training, and I feel so much better.

    Oh, and I'm still losing weight - about 1.5 lbs/week - even at 300 more calories a day.
  • Your body is just trying to recoup. Make sure you warm up and cool down properly and make sure you don't over do it.
    I wish I had the dedication to exercise as much as you. Good Luck!
  • I agree, you're probably tired because you need rest. You can also evaluate your nutrient intake. Make sure that the calories you are getting are quality nutrition dense foods. Also, low Vitamin D and Iron can make you tired. It is very important to get proper rest and nutrition when you are working out.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Your diary isn't open, so it's hard to tell what you're eating.

    At first, exercise will make you more tired. You need to eat well and get sufficient sleep in order to rebuild the muscles you are damaging in the exercise. So if you don't get enough sleep, don't get enough rest between workouts or don't eat well, you'll be even more tired.

    With the amount that you are exercising, you should be aiming to get 1 gram of protein per pound of goal bodyweight per day. You need it to keep from losing muscle mass.
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks to all. I am taking all the suggestions into consideration.;-)
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