I keep losing and gaining the same pound.. frustrating

I want to lose 10 more pounds.. I'm watching evrything I eat and getting to the gym as often as possible.. but one day I'm 130 pounds... next day 130.4, then 131 and so on... aarrghhhhh,,,,,,


  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm in the same situation... always the same! If you find a solution, let me konw! ;-)
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Happens to me, too. I don't mean to be crude, but are you going to the bathroom regularly? That's what I blame it on, to be honest. If you don't go at least once a day, it adds to your weight...
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    I will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    Yup... NO problem there !!!!! :laugh:
  • MellowYellowGem
    MellowYellowGem Posts: 120 Member
    I'm just the same, I lost around 6-8lbs in the first week with no exercise, now I am exercising I just keep going up & down a lb the same as you! I'm hoping it maybe fat turning to muscle as I tone up. Going to purchase some body fat analyser scales I think!
  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    Ditto what cckeimig said.

    Also, how's your sodium intake? If you're taking in a lot of sodium during the day, your body will be absorbing and retaining more water because of it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Try eating more. When you have less than 15lbs to go your goal should be to lose no more than 0.5lbs/week. This helps ensure you are losing fat with minimal muscle loss. Having a large deficit when you don't have much to lose causes your body to burn a higher % of muscle to use a fuel.
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    Switch up your routine and food... Your body just may be in a rut
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    It's hard to say as your food logs are incomplete. But..they days it looks like you did complete I'd say you are under eating.
    Are you doing resistance training? Muscle burns fat and when you're down to those last 10 lbs it's really hard to get rid of.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    Ditto what cckeimig said.

    Also, how's your sodium intake? If you're taking in a lot of sodium during the day, your body will be absorbing and retaining more water because of it.

    Sodium intake is fine..
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    It's hard to say as your food logs are incomplete. But..they days it looks like you did complete I'd say you are under eating.
    Are you doing resistance training? Muscle burns fat and when you're down to those last 10 lbs it's really hard to get rid of.

    there are a few days last week where my computer wasnt working .. rather than try to remember everything those few days... I jsut skipped them.. the rest of my food diary should be complete
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    I'm in the same boat and I know how frustrating it can be. Try taking your measurements. You could still be losing inches w/ out losing pounds if you are toning up. Also, give it a couple weeks and if nothing changes try adjusting your diet or exercise routine. You could be hitting a plateau.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Try eating more. When you have less than 15lbs to go your goal should be to lose no more than 0.5lbs/week. This helps ensure you are losing fat with minimal muscle loss. Having a large deficit when you don't have much to lose causes your body to burn a higher % of muscle to use a fuel.

    I agree completely. If you only have 10 pounds to go your body will not tolerate a large calorie deficit. You need to eat more calories.
  • DrewD2011
    DrewD2011 Posts: 66 Member
    Sounds like your body is countering all the good work you are doing. The body is smart...it learns!

    - Try to shake up your routine...if you are eating healthy...have that light breakfast for dinner one day and a high protein breakfast the next.

    - Change your workout regimen. If you have been heavy into cardio, try some resistance training. If you are on an elliptical or treadmill, change the program to intervals or fat burn or hills. If you are running, try to change the distance, pace or calorie goal.

    - Also, make sure you a drinking a lot of water and weigh your self weekly, not daily. If you are following MFP, you may need to adjust your targets or provide a more accurate reflection of your lifestyle activities (desk, job, active, etc).

    - Try a new class at the gym...boot camp, yoga, Zumba whatever...

    After a few weeks of change (and some results, go back to your more comfortable routine (your body will be confused again) or try to find newer activities to keep it fresh!

    The math does work...calories in, calories out....just keep at it.
  • lovebeinGIGI
    lovebeinGIGI Posts: 72 Member
    Agree with a couple of the other posts, increase your calories for a few days and go back down. This usually works for me and even my dietitian tells me to do it when I'm on a plateau! Just don't go over the calories it takes to "maintain" your current weight.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    Sounds like your body is countering all the good work you are doing. The body is smart...it learns!

    - Try to shake up your routine...if you are eating healthy...have that light breakfast for dinner one day and a high protein breakfast the next.

    - Change your workout regimen. If you have been heavy into cardio, try some resistance training. If you are on an elliptical or treadmill, change the program to intervals or fat burn or hills. If you are running, try to change the distance, pace or calorie goal.

    - Also, make sure you a drinking a lot of water and weigh your self weekly, not daily. If you are following MFP, you may need to adjust your targets or provide a more accurate reflection of your lifestyle activities (desk, job, active, etc).

    - Try a new class at the gym...boot camp, yoga, Zumba whatever...

    After a few weeks of change (and some results, go back to your more comfortable routine (your body will be confused again) or try to find newer activities to keep it fresh!

    The math does work...calories in, calories out....just keep at it.

    Thanks... i will try ...
  • Smittyinthesun
    You maybe at your goal weight a difference of 1 -2 is normal, especially for ladies. A routine change up, if your walking, try cycling for a month or vice versa. Sometimes you have to give your body something different because it gets used to the same old thing day after day and adjusts your calorie burn accordingly. If your drinking Coke or Pepsi cut it out for a month, you'll be surprised!
  • biznurse
    biznurse Posts: 81
    I want to lose 10 more pounds.. I'm watching evrything I eat and getting to the gym as often as possible.. but one day I'm 130 pounds... next day 130.4, then 131 and so on... aarrghhhhh,,,,,,

    How often is "as often as possible"? Remember the last few lbs are the hardest to lose!! Linda/RN
  • biznurse
    biznurse Posts: 81
    Sounds like your body is countering all the good work you are doing. The body is smart...it learns!

    - Try to shake up your routine...if you are eating healthy...have that light breakfast for dinner one day and a high protein breakfast the next.

    - Change your workout regimen. If you have been heavy into cardio, try some resistance training. If you are on an elliptical or treadmill, change the program to intervals or fat burn or hills. If you are running, try to change the distance, pace or calorie goal.

    - Also, make sure you a drinking a lot of water and weigh your self weekly, not daily. If you are following MFP, you may need to adjust your targets or provide a more accurate reflection of your lifestyle activities (desk, job, active, etc).

    - Try a new class at the gym...boot camp, yoga, Zumba whatever...

    After a few weeks of change (and some results, go back to your more comfortable routine (your body will be confused again) or try to find newer activities to keep it fresh!

    The math does work...calories in, calories out....just keep at it.

    Thanks... i will try ...

  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds and I still have like 30 pounds to go too! I'm going to plan out my meals (for once), stay under 125 grams of carbs, and up my protein to at least 75 grams for the next 2 weeks to see if this helps. Oh, I'm also starting P90X later today, so I'm sure that'll kick those 3 pounds in the butt! Maybe you should try switching your diet up a bit, maybe even increase your calories (I've heard that this is a good way to get through a plateau)? Good luck!