How to find the energy

justeener1 Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Being over weight I am always so tired. How do you find the energy to workout?


  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    High protein diet
    Lots of fruits and veggies
    Cut out processed foods and sugary foods
    Lots of water
    Sheer willpower.....drag yourself to the gym or to exercise....I find leaving my house to exercise works best, so you cant distract yourself and stop exercising.

    Eventually, it gets easier and you look forward to going to exercise.....because you always feel so good after you get done. And the more weight that peels off, the more energy you eventually will have!
  • justeener1
    justeener1 Posts: 2
    Thank you.:smile:
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    as the previous post states, you would be so surprized how energized you will be with a change in your diet. I didn't know I didn't feel great until I felt great. Before it wasn't so bad but cutting out fast and processed foods has made a huge difference.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    High protein diet
    Lots of fruits and veggies
    Cut out processed foods and sugary foods
    Lots of water
    Sheer willpower.....drag yourself to the gym or to exercise....I find leaving my house to exercise works best, so you cant distract yourself and stop exercising.

    Eventually, it gets easier and you look forward to going to exercise.....because you always feel so good after you get done. And the more weight that peels off, the more energy you eventually will have!

    This and start out slow. You're not going to be running marathons the first time you exercise and I think folks get misconceptions about what it means to exercise. Any bit of movement you wouldn't normally do is a step in the right direction.

    Park further from the door than you normally do when you go shopping. Try to carry your bags out, if it's not too much stuff, and walk up and down aisles you don't need to go in to. I drive people crazy when I do this, but I actually zig zag a bit on purpose. Every step counts.

    Get a pedometer and just try to walk more steps each day. Every step counts.
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    For me, it's sheer willpower. I may not have the best diet in the world (my diary is proof that), but I do try. I give every day my best go and more often than not, I fail. But I stick to my calorie goal and *force* myself to dig deep and find that energy to workout. Because, let's face it -- the other posters are right. I always do feel better after a workout. And especially on a long weekend like this one and the busy (BUSY) Saturday and Sunday I had? I didn't want to work out today. I wanted to vegitate on the couch with the remote in my hand. But I forced myself to get up, do it, and *NOW* I can vegetate all I want!! :)
  • Davie_ege
    Davie_ege Posts: 14 Member
    Agreed. I'm not really the most enthusiastic exerciser, its mostly willpower at the beginning. Going to the gym and pushing yourself as far as you can possibly go. Think having a trainer is really helpful!! Also, well at least for me, I bike to work. Its kind of like cheating. I'm working out without actually thinking about it, because I HAVE TO go to work and I can't drive so my only other transport would be the bus. By the time I get home again at the end of the day I've done an hour and a half workout. I was 105 kilos to start and it hurt my knees ALOT, I had to allot an hour just to get to work. But I'm so glad I continued, now I can have a nice view on my bike to work and coming home releases all the stress. Hope you find something you can really enjoy doing!
  • stkyle
    stkyle Posts: 4
    I just get more sleep. I used to stay up at night watching television. Now I just go to bed earlier and watch the shows that I would normally watch at night in the morning while doing cardio at the same time. From what I've read our bodies burn fat quite efficiently while sleeping (assuming you didn't just eat something very sugary before bed). This approach seems to have a one-two punch effect (more sleep=more fat burning + less daily fatigue)....three punches even if you do morning cardio while in a fasted state.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I just joined today, and read your post with interest. I really dislike working out. I hate getting all sweaty! I found having someone to go with me got me started. (My daughter really wanted to join the gym and made me go!) It's only been a few days, and I am a little sore, but the others are right. After working out, you do feel sooo much better.

    So far I have only done cardio (treadmill and bike) because I have no idea what I am doing. But this week I have an appointment with the personal trainer (it is part of the gym membership) to learn how to do the machines. I am hoping that meeting with the trainer will help hold me accountable. I need all the support I can get!

    Good luck to you!
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