(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    would have loved to wash my car for today's challenge. Hopefully some laundry and house cleaning will count - had a recital to go to today which pretty much took the day.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Was away for Saturday but did do the challenge as worked out for an hour. Today's challenge done as well, cleaned house from top to bottom actually began on Saturday, so that's done.

    My motivation is an outfit that I have hanging in my room and the thought of Christmas work parties. Every year I say I am going to the party but never do, because of my weight. Every year I say I'm going to lose the weight so I can go, but I never do. This year it is different I know I will do it. This year I will be able to go to a party & feel great. MFP has given me the motivation I need, thanks to everyone here. I just log on each day.
  • dinichols
    dinichols Posts: 37
    Finished Sundays challenge earlier today..no more soap scum in my bathtub..
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Everytime I have eliminated something from my diet I have failed. Miserably. And I understand, I get VERY specific cravings. I've just practiced moderation. I know exactly how many calories a piece of Dove candy is, and I have one. When I crave cake (which is a huge problem for me) I have half a serving of frosting (75 calories) and it helps the craving. I did go without for a couple of weeks at first, and I think that helped, too, to not want it as often. Give it time, you'll learn what works for you, but speaking for myself, eliminating it completely ended in a binge and the undoing of all previous efforts. Generally, too, fresh fruit really helps take the edge off those cravings. Good luck :)
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    The most fun cardio workout to me is spin classes. started taking spin classes last fall and I am addicted.

    I have always hated cardio. I don't like to run, hate aerobics, don't like zumba. The treadmill and elliptical can get boring after a while. I can tolerate cardio kickboxing but I can't say I love it. Spinning is the one thing I really look forward too - and it burns a ton of calories!

    I have a small NSV...I put on a pair of shorts I wore last summer and they were falling off of me! I haven't really lost much weight since then but I guess all the working out has helped me lose inches.

    Good to hear! I'm glad to hear that someone is really losing inches and not so much weight. Inches are important to me! Keep up the great work (and motivation)!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I didn't get any cleaning (except dishes) done today as I was too busy running/walking 14 miles on the Buckeye Trail in 4:23. I figure that counts for something as I burned 1400 calories. :drinker:

    As for sugar cravings.... the amino acid L Glutamine helps with sugar cravings (also works for alcohol). It's used for a recovery drink among athletes but helping with the cravings is an extra bonus. :love:
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Hey! BOB's

    I washed clothes today for the cleaning challenge. I don't have an alternative for not eating sweets. When I crave them, I just go out and buy them. Like right now, I'm craving for sweets. So tomorrow I going to go to Walmart and get me the mini cupcakes they sell. There's 280 calories for 3 cupcakes. Then I have to do double the amount of excerise to work off the calories. Oh, I also, did 90 minutes of Turbofire today.

    Good luck to everyone for Monday's weigh-in.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    MONDAY – JUNE 6TH – DAY 23! – “We will rock you!”

    WEIGH IN FOR WEEK 3!!!:bigsmile:

    CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK – This week we are going to focus on healthy eating!

    We will start the week off pretty simple since it is weigh-in day and I know everyone worked hard over the weekend to keep themselves accountable! So today’s challenge is simply to NOT go over your calories! (if you think you will, do a little exercising to ensure you don’t).

    WE WILL ROCK YOU – Queen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tJYN-eG1zk
    (I think this will wake us up and get us goin for week 4…WE WILL ROCK YOU WEEK 4!):drinker:

    They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It jumpstarts your metabolism and gives you your energy – share your favorite, low-calorie breakfast.

    To our members starting up with us for the first time this week:smile: mileneD, :smile: sunshinelubsyou, and :smile: lozy2k3. WELCOME! (add them as friends BOBers!)

    visit www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge for our quick link and more!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    well, due to the fact that i have to take my blood sugar between 10 and 11 am everyday and it has to be fasting, i do brunch.
    my fave is one egg, whole wheat bagel with sugar free cherry preserves, and grapes or an apple.....it changes from day to day, but that's a good standby
  • breakfast is my FAV! while i do enjoy eggs with wheat toast, and oatmeal, things like that, and i know there are SO many awesome breakfast options out there that i should be eating more (lol)....

    i am such a sucker for cereal. say what you will! i know there's better, healthier, more filling options.

    but man. no matter how much time i have in the morning cereal is always what sounds best lol.

    over the years i've learned to really love "healthier" options - wheaties, corn chex, corn flakes, frosted mini wheats, cheerios, raisin bran.

    especially like corn flakes, cheerios, corn chex, things like that are relatively low in calories AND sugar. they may be too plain jane for some but for me, sounds delightful :)
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    breakfast is not my favorite meal of the day but I do enjoy my protein drink. I use choc whey protein/half a banana/1 tsp natural peanut butter/skim milk and a few frozen strawberries. It is like having a frappe for breakfast.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Great challenge, I think I needed it this week! I'm getting the exercise part down....so my goal for this week should be to really focus on healthy eating.

    My weight did not change...AGAIN. (Well, .4 lbs down, so so frustrated)

    I DID, however, lose one inch off my waist and oneinch off my hips! (I only measure every other week) Progress is measured in baby steps I suppose. Still....profoundly disappointed and frustrated!!! I've tried both staying around 1200 and eating most of my calories, and it's just stuck :(

    It's a new week...gotta find a way to tweak.
  • trapitt
    trapitt Posts: 93 Member
    My breakfast - wieght wtchers whole wheat bagel, toasted, plain or with peanut butter) and a bowl of pineapple or a banana,

    I like to get at least five servings of frits and vegetables in by lunch time. So a pieve of fruit at breakfast and a big salad for lunch helps me to do that.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    would have loved to wash my car for today's challenge. Hopefully some laundry and house cleaning will count - had a recital to go to today which pretty much took the day.

    I too had recitals to go to, for two of my grandchildren. I did 45 min of cleaning while I waited for my daughter to get to my place so we could go together. It was wonderful
  • dinichols
    dinichols Posts: 37
    I am a big fan of breakfast..I love cereal..right now I am hooked on plain label bran flakes..also really like the new kellogs antioxidant one that looks like cheerios..it's too expensive for me though unless on sale. I also like old fashioned oatmeal that I add blueberries to. I have been trying to cut down the cereal and try for protein so this morning I will be having cottage cheese and fresh blackberries..
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA all weekend I do not have internet access at home anymore so its hard for me to find somewhere I can jump on here for a second...I am excited about this week's challenges for healthy eating since that has been one of my MAIN problems.

    Right now my favorite low calorie breakfast is Quaker Low Sugar Instant Oatmeal...I eat it EVERY morning at work and love it...I used to HATE the stuff my whole life until a nurse at work suggested I add a spoonful of peanut butter to it and now I am addicted lol

    Since missing the weekend challenges I am DETERMINED not to go over my calories today that June goal date is FAST approaching and I know I can meet it!
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    There's nothing like a big "country" breakfast! Eggs, grits, toast, hashbrowns, pancakes........I can go on and on....lol! I know it's not the healthiest breakfast, but it's so doggone good....lol!

    I mostly eat about a cup of honey nut cheerios with a sliced banana; and a 1/2 cup of 2% milk or skim milk in the mornings. Cereal is one of my favorite breakfast choices. However, I like to switch things up to keep from getting bored. I also like Oatmeal and turkey bacon. Smart Ones has good breakfast also. My favorite is the French Toast.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Happy Monday to you & all B O B's. I just lost 3 more lbs,:happy: this gives me a little more get up & go, I'm so excited. It is so great to see your efforts pay off. But, I have to keep going, I will be doing an hour workout today. Took out a gym membership yesterday, I usually do workouts at home. Thanks to you all & the rest of MFP I feel alive again.

    For breakfast I sometimes have oatmeal with 1/2 banana, or blueberries & a bit of milk(sometimes I skip the milk), I often have Go lean kashi cereal & piece of fruit along with an egg white, coffee maybe. Have a great day all.:smile:
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    Happy Monday! I actually gained 2 pounds this week, however I lost 3.25" since May 16th. Go figure! I'm not going to sweat it since I feel very PMS-y and I've been doing The 30 Day Shred. I've had a lot of people tell me that they gained in the first couple weeks and then the weight started dropping off when they did it. And, I know I've been eating right and exercising every day, so...

    As for breakfast... I LOVE breakfast.. just not in the morning! My breakfast routinely is 3 cups of coffee and then I don't get hungry till around 11am or so.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    My favorite breakfast is yogurt, fruit and my vi shake. I get up at 4:30 AM and have to be at work by 5:30 with a 20 min drive to work so not a lot of time for a formal breakfast. The healthy shake mix gives me all the nutrients my body needs plus fiber and I love it.
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