(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    Hey... I just joined today! Since I'm a newbie to this... where are the challenges located?? I just looked at the website and I don't see one for Monday. The most recent is Sunday. So I'm thinking I'm looking in the wrong place! Thanks!

    Check back in these posts. All the challenges are here.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I weighed myself this morning and I was shocked by the number on the scale. I weigh myself daily to keep myself in check but only post my current weight on Monday on MFP. I started this site about three weeks ago and weighed 148. I was at 139.5 this morning!! I haven't been that weight in a year and it was only two days that I hit that number. I have struggled, since menopause, to get my weight down only to be able to *barely* maintain despite running and exercising!! I believe I am soon going to see numbers that I haven't seen in years! :love:

    I owe it all to discovering this site! Nothing I was doing was working, this is!! :drinker:

    Things I do:
    I am brutally honest about what I eat, including portions
    I am brutally honest about the exercising I do
    Eat healthy even when I have extra calories
    If I am hungry, I definately eat my exercise calories

    Things I don't do:
    Take credit for things I do in my daily life, like cleaning (I would if I did it for hours)
    Don't eat when I'm not hungry, even when I have extra calories due to exercise

    Sorry... just rambling now... I was just so excited, I thought I'd share!! :flowerforyou:

    That is terrific!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    There's different "fun" workouts.
    There's fun, like funny. That's Just Dance on the Wii. Hilarious stuff. Or go-go dancing classes, there's a few at local pubs in my area and they're heaps of fun.

    But there's also "fun" like the satisfaction I get when I complete the workout. That's fun too - for this I'd say Jillian Michaels' "Yoga Meltdown" dvd. That's challenging, and feels great when I finish it or can do something better than I had before!
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    The "Funnest" workouts for me would be anything that doesn't SEEM like exercise...like playing a game with friends outside or dancing or something to that effect. I'm really interested on getting into yoga I think I would really enjoy that :) If anyone can recommened a good yoga dvd or program for beginners that would be awesome! I've heard of a jillian michaels yoga dvd but wasn't sure if it would be something I could do right now...
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member

    My laptop is not working tonight so I will do the full post tommorrow when I get to work but the challenge of the day is to burn at least 200 calories today!

    What is your FUNNEST, most enjoyable workout to you and why?

    Check back in 11 hours for our songs


    The most fun cardio workout to me is spin classes. started taking spin classes last fall and I am addicted.

    I have always hated cardio. I don't like to run, hate aerobics, don't like zumba. The treadmill and elliptical can get boring after a while. I can tolerate cardio kickboxing but I can't say I love it. Spinning is the one thing I really look forward too - and it burns a ton of calories!

    I have a small NSV...I put on a pair of shorts I wore last summer and they were falling off of me! I haven't really lost much weight since then but I guess all the working out has helped me lose inches.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    My funnest most enjoyable workout to date would have to be zumba, you get a great workout (it feels as though you get a good workout, you're sweating like crazy) love the music if you don't know the steps you can fake it until you make it. Just have to keep moving. Now you can find a class at any local gym. It's fun, love it.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I like things that don't feel like exercise...zumba for one. I am so uncoordinated though. I have just gotten the Zumba Fittness party system and just working on the Basics DVD which teaches you the steps, raises my heart rate and makes me sweat....but it is fun to do. The music is great!!!
  • the only workouts i enjoy are ones where i play sports or go swimming with my friends(which we don't do as often anymore since we are older i guess), otherwise i just consider it pushing myself to be better i guess.
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Usually at night, if my hubby doesn't have to work, we sit around and watch TV or movies. Well instead, last night, I suggested we play some Just Dance 2. Was a great work out and we did 6 songs with a friendly competition. We were sweating afterwards!
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    I've grown to LOVE ZUMBA! They offer the class at my gym, and I would see the ladies in there having a funky good time. One day, I decided to try it out for myself. I love the high energy and the constant movement. This calorie burning workout is insane. I love it! I also have the Zumba fiteness DVDs and the Wii game. So there's no excuse not to workout! :happy:
  • dancing!! doesn't even feel like working out but it definitely is one! :)
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    My funnest workout is ANYTHING if I'm with a friend... any class at the gym, walking, riding my bike, even the elliptical machine if I'm next to a friend. If I'm solo, I love to go for a run or a bike ride with my iPod... it's my time to myself! :happy:

    I've only got to 112 cals today, by doing a short walk with a friend and her baby, but I'll get to a little more. It's been a go go go kind of day, so I haven't got a real, good workout in, but I'll get to at least 200 today!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    very proud of you ....as you deserve to be proud of your accomplishments!!!!

    thanks for rambling *ahem* I mean sharing LOL

    best wishes for your continued success here on MFP:flowerforyou:
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    My fun workout is dancing it doesn't really feel like your doing much of anything but its nice to make a fool out of yourself.

    K I am fallen off the wagon today I have had so much junk food crap and I feel sick to my stomach! I got a new job today so I am so lucky I already start tomorrow to keep me away from eating so much like I have been at home! I am bored I EAT! I eat with the kids I eat what they don't eat! OMG I need a slap in the face right now. I want to go to bed and tomorrow is a new day which I start my job and thank god!!!!

    K I am done whinning!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    FRIDAY JUNE 3RD - DAY 20! “BIG GIRL – YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! - shout out to our ladies!!”
    (We’re on week 3 of 15)

    CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK (this is new) – This week we are going to focus on physical activity! Challenges each day will be physical in nature.

    Friday’s are usually the start of the weekend for most and all the hard work they did throughout the week gets tossed out the window! DON’T LET THAT BE YOU! Today’s challenge is to do AT LEAST 30 minutes of an activity that gets you sweating and your heart rate up OR get some strength training in! (getting your muscles worked continues to burn calories and fat all day…if you haven’t done strength training yet try it! Don’t have dumb bells, get some cans of veggies and lift those!)

    Some of the ladies in our group are getting a little discouraged – :drinker: celebrate who you are and be happy in your own skin! Always celebrate life and have fun (because every day you are shedding calories and kissing some more inches of you goodbye forever). So this Friday let your hair down and celebrate the moment!

    1. :flowerforyou: BIG GIRL (YOUR ARE BEAUTIFUL) - Mika http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pW1BRiuwPI (compliments of samvanz)
    2.:tongue: HONKY TONK BADUNKADUNK – Trace Adkins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaooVrvxqhU&feature=related
    3. :bigsmile: BRICK HOUSE – Commadores http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5EmnQp3V48
    4. :love: FAT BOTTOMED GIRLS – Queen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMnjF1O4eH0

    Some people prefer to workout in mornings, others in the evenings, and others mix it up. :huh: When do you prefer to get your workout in and why?
    I change it up otherwise I’d get bored. I like when I get up early in the morning and workout before work – I have so much more energy throughout the day. But if I’m feeling bummed or down I like a good workout in the evening as it gets me in a good (although sometimes if I work out late at night I find myself up for hours and extra hungry – which leads to late night munching…not good!)

    1. To samvanz:wink: for giving me the inspiration for today’s topic from her recommendation for one of today’s songs.
    2. To everybody:drinker: who is deciding to make the best of the end of their week and keep up the hard work!!!!
    3. Everyone support kristinmkartist :smooched: who starts a new job today and needs to snap out of her junk food eatin rut and get back in the groove!
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    Ahhhhh, I <3 the song choices for Friday! Excellent! :heart:
  • dinichols
    dinichols Posts: 37
    Bought a HRM today and then went for a run..I burned 249 calories.
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I run with a group on Thursday nights called the "Crooked River Trail Runners". I haven't seen this one girl in a while. She showed up tonite and the first thing she said was "look at you, you've lost weight"! She is the first person who has noticed. It's not a lot, only 8.5 pounds but it must be getting noticable!! YAY!! :drinker:
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    CONGRATS, UltraRunnerGale, that's fantastic. Isn't it just the best feeling EVER?

    I fit my workouts in whenever I can. I live in a very small apartment, so whenever my boyfriend's out of the house I jump on the Wii and get at it! I also walk to work when it's not raining, so that means usually some sweating in the morning, then some heart-pumping at night on my way to my moderately physical job :) I just found myself a walking buddy too, though we've yet to start as today the rain came down half an hour before we were going to walk... *rant fin*

    P.s: Right now I'm eating sausages for lunch. Yeah that's right, sausages. Kangaroo sausages ("kanga bangas") - 50 cals each. Yeah, take THAT, sausage craving!
  • I prefer to work out after lunch so that I'm actually burning all of the food that I've been eating. But since my work schedule is from 11-4 I just work out before i go to work so i can enjoy the rest of my day. That means waking up at 7 so I can eat and then get to the gym at 8, its rough. Although recently I've felt like running around the block at night to get rid of my dinner calories.
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