New here

heatherdoll40 Posts: 42 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I am not here to go on a diet but to make a life style change. I was worried about my heart because walking uphill or stairs it hammers away in my chest, it should not do that. I went to the doctor my heart is fine. I weighed 205 pounds. We ran all the lipid panels and other blood tests, My good cholesterol is a bit higher than normal but so is my bad. My thyroid is in good working order which left only one possiblity for my problem. COPD what form it takes I don't know. I do know is that I need to weigh less and raise my stamina so I can deal better in the long run with my illness.
My goal is to lose weight to a normal for my height range 5'6", keep on eating healthy, and getting the exersize I need.


  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    I joined 5/13/11 if you need a pal here, please feel free to add me. I want to lose 50-75#s as I have type 2 diabetes. My bad cholesterol is high and good cholesterol is to low. I also am borderline hypertension/high blood pressure. Good luck & have a great day.
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome, so glad to hear you went to your Doctor and had everything checked out :smile: If I were you as far as exercise, I would try walking about 10 minutes a day and each day add 1 minute until you can get to 30 minutes, just do baby steps to get your body into shape slowly. I wish you all the best in your goals :flowerforyou:
  • osteopam
    osteopam Posts: 2
    Hi all,

    I've just joined the site and it looks like a great way to monitor amounts eaten and exercise etc.
    I don't actually follow the diet offered here as I'm a long time low carber, but still find it really useful.

    I am a Scottish woman living in Greece, so lots of nice fresh food here.

  • heatherdoll40
    heatherdoll40 Posts: 42 Member
    I used to live in Califonia where so many fruits and veggies are grown, now I live in Oregon and squirm every time I look at the produce. It's often cold cloudy and raining. I can only guess that it must be like the reverse for you going from Scotland to Greece. Not that I've been to either but Oh how I want to go to Scotland.
    Any way my doctor sent me a kind of heart healthy guide of foods that are ok to foods to avoid. I want simple since no one else wants to join me on my quest for a healthier self so I am stuck cooking two of every meal that I do cook.(in most cases it's only dinner)any good suggestions would be great.
  • heatherdoll40
    heatherdoll40 Posts: 42 Member
    I can easily walk one or two hours at and easy ambling meander as long as it's flat ground. As soon as I go up hill thats when my heart starts to beat hard and fast easy 104 beats per minute with in the first three steps. Since I live out in the country-ish I walk down my driveway go .7 miles(measured with the cars trip meter) down the road turn around and walk up the hill of my driveway. My goal is to do this three times a week on days I don't work and weekends I hope to soon be riding my horse.
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