older women?

I am 53 and find it extremely difficult to lose weight. I am on medicines for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety and wonder if they are affecting my weight? I take 20mg simvastatin, 10mg lexapro, and 50 mg losartan. I walk 3 miles every day with my dog n a little under 1 hour for exercise. I just started taking a fiber pill before meals to help me feel full and not eat as much! Any suggestions or comments. I feel so fat - I am now 185pound and want to be 160-165 - I am 5 ft 6 in.


  • ladybugz_247
    ladybugz_247 Posts: 120
    I am not older but I just wanted to tell you how great you look and even the your current weight isn't bad at all. My mom is 54 and says she's too old to walk the dogs.. I invited her to the gym and offered to pay her membership and she declines.. I wish my mom would take care of herself and be worried about her weight like you are. I am around lots of people in their 50's most don't worry about the calories they are consuming.. anyway keep on doing what your doing and good luck :smile:
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Hey there. First I should say you look REALLY good. Looking at your profile picture I thought you were in your early 40s. Second, I'm not your age but I have been on anxiety medications and depression medication and it caused me to gain weight. But when I reduced my calories to 1300 net, ate oatmeal for breakfast daily and stopped eating out COMPLETELY I lost about 1 pound a week. Just keep at it and you will lose some soon!
  • osteopam
    osteopam Posts: 2

    I'm 53 so suppose that makes me older LOL. I too exercise mostly by walking with the dog, though my work can be fairly physical.

    I'm pretty sure that your medication will be giving you some problems losing weight.

    I have a lot more than you to lose, but find it does still come off slowly if I can just stick with it.
  • mindyrosy
    mindyrosy Posts: 38
    Thanks for the encouragement....I failed to mention my husband of 31 years rides his bike like a maniac - over 65 miles today in the mountains and is very fit - so I feel even worse about my size while he is marathon man!
  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    I am almost 48 years old. I have type 2 diabetes, my bad cholesterol is high/good cholesterol is low, borderline hypertension/high bloodpressure. Due to finances I was off my meds for a couple years and lost weight. I got back on my meds back in March (simvasatin 40mg 1x a day is one of them-as well as metformin 1000mg 2xs a day, glipizide xl 10mg 1x a day, and lisinopril 20mg 1x a day) and gained weight.
    I joined MFP on 5/13/11 and so far I've lost 5#s. it's not much but I do feel better. Whenever I add my food and see the calories, I think wow I better do more cardio exercises to burn those calories off. A few of my sister have belonged for 300+ days and have reached their goal weights. I say if they can do it so can i. I have the Tony Little Gazelle, an Ab Lounge 2, a stationary bike, and walk weather permitting. I have dumbbells and ankle weights to help with some weight strength training. My exercise goal is 45 minutes a day, atleast 5 days a week. But, I usally do ateast an hour of cardio exercise throughout the day 7 days a week.
    If you want to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so. I'd love to have you as a pal on MFP. The more support and encouragement the better. Good luck with your weight loss goals and have a great day.
  • cjwil01
    cjwil01 Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm older too—57. I just joined MyFitnessPal yesterday. I really like that the calorie counter also tracks carbs. I have Type 2 Diabetes and really the carb count is more important to me that the calorie count. I have fallen off of the exercise wagon. But today I walked for 39 minutes and got 4,563 aerobic steps on my pedometer. I like that the tracker converts my exercise into calories burned. This is a great incentive to exercising more especially when I go slightly over my calorie allotment which is 1,200 calories per day. I really don't think I over eat much; I under exercise.:smile:

    BTW: My Diabetes medication caused me to gain weight and also makes it very difficult to lose weight. That's another reason watching my carbs and exercising is so important for me—it helps me to improve my insulin sensitivity.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    i am 57. i've been on mfp almost a month now and i love it. first of all-you look great in your picture-you are not that overweight for your height!! secondly, not only am i older, but also shorter (5ft 0in) and heavier (196 now). i have always had trouble losing weight-slow metabolism. i lost about 20lbs on my own before discovering mfp and have lost an additional 9lbs over the past 3ish weeks. my work is fairly physical so by the time i get home i got nothin left for exercise. i started getting up a little earlier in the morning to ride the stationary bike. i love the support of the folks here. hope you do too. feel free to add me if you like. :bigsmile:
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hi, I just thought I would add.

    Medications don't typically "make you gain weight" what happens is they tend to stimulate your appetitie. If you give in to this stimulation, and you eat more than you burn, then you gain weight. But if you are watching what you eat, then no, your medications will not affect your weight loss.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi! I'm 58, in Scotland. I've been using MFP for a month and a half now and have lost and worked out consistenly since I joined. I have been using 2 threads up til now. The Walking Challenge, which starts at the beginning of each month, so if you like walking, you can get in at the start of this one coming up. I also use Women ages 50+, which is a very lively, supportive and friendly group of women our ages and of course, we all have opinions on everything! :laugh: I have found this invaluable for making decisions on diet etc as well as swapping recipes and ideas. the other thread, Walking Challenge, I tend to use more for logging my miles when I walk. Both threads are useful to me but I would particularly recommend the Women ages 50 +.
    Look forward to seeing you all there! :flowerforyou:

    And I agree - you look great in your photo!