Starvation mode



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Here's the deal. All people's bodies aren't 'different'. Within the main body types...they're all nearly identical. The problem is, people input their calories different, people input their exercies different, people input their micro/macro's different...yet people expect the same results as everyone else.

    Take ALL exercises out of your log that aren't physical cleaning isn't an exercise unless it gets your heart rate up. Neither is grocery shopping, babysitting...or anything else domestically Exercise calories only! And even then, eat back only 50-70%, as they are often over exaggerated.

    The food thing we've covered...but I think if you're true to what I've written above...things might work out different for you.

  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    chrytsal, hun, I looked at your diarty..................ouch

    youre eating way too many processed foods and last week , your sodium was out rageous..........sorry, but you gotta stop eating fast foods, and canned soup.......they arent your friend

    make yourself eat berries, lots of them, blue berries, straw berries and black berries, with plain start your day off with that, I guarantee, youll stay relatively full , lots of protein

    buy a 25 lb bag of pinto beans, and eat beans as much as you can......AN EXCELLENT SOURCE OF PROTEIN AND NO SODIUM

    eat lots of chicken, if you can, chicken breasts , which is loaded with protiens.........

    Your diet is bad chrystal, Im not ragging on you, only trying to help you........Your diet looked a lot like mine before I lost 118 lbs, and I did it all within 14 months..........again, Im not dissing your diet, its just not gonna work.........way way way too much processed food with way to much sodium..............add me as a friend, Ill try and help you............Lloyd
    AmBeRLyNnGETTINThIN Posts: 56 Member
    i am currently taking the prescription Adipex and it is assisting me with my unsatiable need to eat. I am only intake 1200 calories a day and I have yet to feel like I am in starvation mode. I started at 244 on May 5 and today is May 30 and I weigh 22! 22lbs in 25 days! Adipex is nice because its not some crazy pill that makes u feel like ur heart may come out of ur chest! Its not a miracle pill, it only suppresses u appetite, u have to exercise and count the calories! I zumba almost every night and that burns almost every calorie I ate that day if I do it for an hour! I also walk just about every night for about 3 miles! I end up negative most days on calories, until this stop working for me I am going to do what works for me. U an I are probably around the same age I am 26 and this is what is working for me. The adipex is doctor prescribed and it is a short term med, generally most come off after 5 months. My BMI was 47.7 because I am 5'0! They will treat me til i am at 27 and 142 lbs! I want to finish and stay between 130 and 135! Maybe u and I can keep eachother motivated!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Are you measuring yourself? Though I don't necessarily believe in starvation mode as it commonly defined by members on this site, I do believe you need to eat enough to stay healthy and to build muscle.
    I ask about measuring because after I met my first goal of 135 I increased my calories quite a bit. My weight loss slowed down from 2-3 lbs per week to 1 lb per week. But, for some reason my waist started shrinking FASTER than it had before. I used to shrink about an inch for every 5 lbs, but eating more I've lost an inch in the last 2 lbs.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member

    Take ALL exercises out of your log that aren't physical cleaning isn't an exercise unless it gets your heart rate up. Neither is grocery shopping, babysitting...or anything else domestically Exercise calories only! And even then, eat back only 50-70%, as they are often over exaggerated.

    The food thing we've covered...but I think if you're true to what I've written above...things might work out different for you.


    WRONG! Anything that requires physical movement is a source of exercise. Riding a motorcycle burns 200-250 calories and hour. Although you may think you just sitting there it requires alot of muscle coordination and muscle fitness while you ride. Pushing a grocery cart is exercise, Walking is exercise. Driving anything burns 150 calories and hour roughly. Any physical activity can be considered exercise. Chasing a kid around is definately exercise. I don't eat my exercise calories. I just eat whenever i'm hungry and generally that doesn't take me over my MFP set goal.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I have been trying to say that this last month is not a good way to show my diet... I have been having alot of stress and trying to work through that... I tend to eat when I get really stressed.

    And also I would love to get medical help to help me to with this process but I have no insurence.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    see if you read through all the comments I have gotten. Some say eat less, others say eat more. Some say track exercise others say dont. It is hard to know what to do when everyone has their own opinion...
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    crystal, everyones trying to help you...........the one thing everyone agrees with is your diet and the quality of it..........again, you cant go to Subway eating a foot long with cheddar cheese and bacon and expect to lose weight...........I ve been in your shoes and it didnt work

    diet and exercise is the way to lose pills, shock treaments, creams, or thigh master is going to drop weight.......Youve got to reseach a sensible health diet and incorporate exercise.........thats the key

    and again, sodium in processed foods is sabatoging your plan............Your sodium was high last week, some days you have 2 times more that average.............right there is a bad sign, youll retain water........

    again, add me , I said Ill help hun, but you gotta know this.......processed food is bad..........go thru other peoples diarys and see how they are helps,

    take care, and again, add me if you d like a friend............Lloyd
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    Take ALL exercises out of your log that aren't physical cleaning isn't an exercise unless it gets your heart rate up. Neither is grocery shopping, babysitting...or anything else domestically Exercise calories only! And even then, eat back only 50-70%, as they are often over exaggerated.

    The food thing we've covered...but I think if you're true to what I've written above...things might work out different for you.


    WRONG! Anything that requires physical movement is a source of exercise. Riding a motorcycle burns 200-250 calories and hour. Although you may think you just sitting there it requires alot of muscle coordination and muscle fitness while you ride. Pushing a grocery cart is exercise, Walking is exercise. Driving anything burns 150 calories and hour roughly. Any physical activity can be considered exercise. Chasing a kid around is definately exercise. I don't eat my exercise calories. I just eat whenever i'm hungry and generally that doesn't take me over my MFP set goal.

    I understand what you're saying on anything that requires movement is a source of exercise/burns calories...and agree. My point is that for the purposes of this application...there is no point in logging it. When you log ACTUAL EXERCISE (which is usually overestimated anyway)...and not all the fluff, you get a much more realistic look at your burn for the day, period. And you don't have people getting up and wiping off the counters for 20 minutes so they can log it and eat an extra helping of gravied tater tots that night.

    I understand completely some people don't eat back their exercise calories. I also know that some do. Everyone logs things differently on here...from intake to burn, and it makes for a LOT of confusion. I'm very conservative on what I log as exercise...and when I have to estimate my portions, I do so on the high side. That builds in its own deficit to begin with. Eating back your exercise calories is NEVER going to hurt you. If you's most likely because you overestimated your exercise or underestimated your portions. Cut back on the percentage of your exercise calories you're eating...and do it again.

    Now, all this being said...and as a disclaimer since I'll get 20 people correcting me saying they didn't do it that way...that's the 100% fool proof safe way to do it. Not everyone has to. If you're significantly overweight you can afford a larger deficit, and it won't hurt a damn thing not to. Once you plateau, eat your exercise calories back for a week or two (or more if the weight keeps coming off)'ll help shake things up and give your body a fresh start.

    These are all just tools in a tool box people...but the key is doing it safely for people who aren't always emotionally setup to judge things rationally (that's what got them there in the first place)...and that means, when in the damn things back.
  • randisaucier
    randisaucier Posts: 178 Member
    Looking at your diary I would say that it is more about what you are eating and not how much you are eating. McDonalds and brownies are pretty much wasted calories and have little to no nutritional value.