Healthy Start - Kicking Bad Habits to the Curb.

AKAnderson785 Posts: 41
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Good Afternoon from Florida!
Alright, here we go, I really need to stick to this workout, diet plan because every time I fail, I feel worse, I'm sure some of you know how it goes. I want to do this the right way.

Lose 10-15 pounds
Develop better eating habits
Drink less alcohol
Quit (or at the very least cut back) Smoking

I'm sick of settling for how I look. I'm sick of looking in the mirror and saying "Eh, I don't have anyone to impress," and settling for my too-tight jeans, baggy black shirt or my bathing suit that just does't flatter me anymore. I have a wonderful boyfriend who loves me and thinks I'm sexy but I hardly let him touch me because I don't see what he sees. I'm sure he's being kind since I have put on about fifteen pounds since we first started dating three years ago.

I want to look FANTASTIC again, not so much for my boyfriend or anyone else but for myself. I have MYSELF to impress. I want to look in the mirror and say "Dang girl! Your body is SMOKIN'!"....or something like that :)

Of course, seeing ex-boyfriends' jaws hit the floor when I walk in the room is kind of a bonus too...and all those girls in high school who made me feel bad about myself because of one thing or another. Part of me feeling better is getting recognition, getting noticed...I know that's lame, but, that's how I feel. And i won't apologize for that. And when my boyfriend tells me I'm sexy, I want to believe him.


  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    Good for you!

    One piece of advice I HIGHLY recommend is revising your personal goals to be a little more precise. Like, instead of "quit (or at least cut back) smoking", make it "smoke no more than two cigarettes a day starting X date" or completely quit by X date. These are your goals and you have to define what you want and not give yourself outs. You have to be able to measure you goals and make them time based to give you something to work towards and more importantly know you've achieved them. Being vague in setting your goals can be setting yourself up to fail. That will just make you feel worse about yourself. For example, how do you plan on losing those 10-15 lbs? It is a personal action plan.

    For example "get healthy" doesn't tell me HOW I'm going to achieve my goal or what exactly "healthy" means to me. So I changed it to "cut out fast food" and "be able to run 3 miles without stopping or feeling like I'm gonna die by June 1." For me it also means "fit into my size whatever jeans again".

    I'm telling ya... IT WORKS.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Good for you!

    One piece of advice I HIGHLY recommend is revising your personal goals to be a little more precise. Like, instead of "quit (or at least cut back) smoking", make it "smoke no more than two cigarettes a day starting X date" or completely quit by X date. These are your goals and you have to define what you want and not give yourself outs. You have to be able to measure you goals and make them time based to give you something to work towards and more importantly know you've achieved them. Being vague in setting your goals can be setting yourself up to fail. That will just make you feel worse about yourself. For example, how do you plan on losing those 10-15 lbs? It is a personal action plan.

    For example "get healthy" doesn't tell me HOW I'm going to achieve my goal or what exactly "healthy" means to me. So I changed it to "cut out fast food" and "be able to run 3 miles without stopping or feeling like I'm gonna die by June 1." For me it also means "fit into my size whatever jeans again".

    I'm telling ya... IT WORKS.

    Yes! Be very specific in what you want to accomplish. It really does help you get there.
  • Thank You for the advice!

    I figured now was a good time to start because I want to lose at least HALF of the weight (being 5-7.5 pounds) by June 25th. I know it's a stretch given that it is a matter of three and a half weeks away but I am pretty excited about the challenge. I'm in my best friend's wedding on the 25th and I'd really like to look good in my bridesmaid dress, which (believe it or not), is actually very nice! lol

    I signed up for a boot camp with a girlfriend of mine that starts Wednesday after work. It runs for thirty days, so my goal is to have lost ten pounds by July 2nd. I'll have an evaluation, giving him what my goals and other important information. From what I've heard of this class, it is INTENSE and results (reasonable ones) are guaranteed. Anyone I've talked to that has gone to the class has said amazings things. Plus I'll have my friend with me to help keep me motivated and a personal trainer to keep me on point.

    As for a healthier lifestyle, I really only smoke when I drink. And when I go out and drink, I feel like hell in the morning. I'm not sure if it's because I don't realize I'm getting older and can't drink like I did in college or if I just don't know my limits but whatever it is, it needs to stop. It is unhealthy and I wake up to an empty pack of cigarettes in the morning, yuck!

    This isn't all about losing weight for me. I'd like to see results in my upper arms, in my once oh-so-fabulous-soccer legs! I still want my curves but I'd like them to be sleek and not....puffy.

    I started a food diary today which I hope to be able to continue throughout the thirty day boot camp!
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