Do you get prettier with weight loss?



  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i wouldn't say you physically get prettier, but you have so much more self confidence that you're more likely to put more effort into looking pretty and feminine

    for example...when i'm heavier i live in baggy hoodies and jeans...never wear make up and just shove my hair in a ponytail...but when i drop the weight i wear skin tight workout gear, fitted t-shirts and leave my hair down alot more
  • Cut the bull. The answer is yes. That doesn't mean tho that fatter ppl can't be pretty and slim or skinny can't be uggs!
  • Hopie17
    Hopie17 Posts: 53
    i def look better skinny. when i gain weight it all goes to my face >.< ug
  • Ok my opinion is, you look more youthful when you are slimmer, in the face. Which in turn relates to feeling better about yourself. Because i too have seen a lot of gorgeous heavy set women, and some homely skinny women. Yet, i , as an older female, feel i look younger when slimmer, but catch 22, my wrinkles are more appearant, when slim. Other than that, i feel you feel better, and more positive when healthier, so that creates a more positive self image. Most, but not all of the time. Some women, and men enjoy a little meat on their bones, and look great with it. :smile:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think it depends on your age, and also how thin you get. Most people over 40 look better with a bit of fat as your skin loses it's elasticity. I know a few people who have lost weight they didn't really need to lose in their 40s and aged badly as a result. On the other hand, apparently men find women who have lost weight more attractive than those who were never fat in the first place, so there must be something in it.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    maybe it;s more of a confidence thing and then once you transform you are possibly buying nicer clothes and get a totally new hair style and even carry yourself differently. Some people put more time into themselves when they lose weight get their teeth whitened or fixed because they are smiling more and in more pictures too.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    We (as a species) are attracted to healthy looking people because on a subconscious level want our offspring to be healthy. I've never seen someone that looks better before losing weight. You can't argue with Mama Nature ;)
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    Cut the bull. The answer is yes. That doesn't mean tho that fatter ppl can't be pretty and slim or skinny can't be uggs!
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I think it's a frame of mind. If we are overweight and 'feel' ugly, we will believe it. When we lose weight, we feel better, thus, thinking we are prettier. It's like when you see a 250 lbs woman wearing shorts - she's pretty much gross. But think about it. If she recently ost 20 plus pounds, she is feeling good about herself and proud of her accomplishment. So I think it's our belief. Just like a size 2 girl, if she gains weight and is then a size 4, she'll feel ugly.

    It's a frame of mind.

    Totally agree.
  • mommytomia
    mommytomia Posts: 42
    Actually, I do not think I look less pretty, but definitely look a bit older as I get thinner in the face. I am 40, so a little fat on the face actually made me look younger.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    We (as a species) are attracted to healthy looking people because on a subconscious level want our offspring to be healthy. I've never seen someone that looks better before losing weight. You can't argue with Mama Nature ;)

    Sorry, but here's an argument: My college roommate was previously hospitalized for anorexia, and was addicted to long distance running. She showed me some HS pics that showed her at a dangerously low weight. She just didn't look healthy--bones protruding, sunken eyes, sallow skin. She had regained some weight during our freshman year and looked much healthier.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    We (as a species) are attracted to healthy looking people because on a subconscious level want our offspring to be healthy. I've never seen someone that looks better before losing weight. You can't argue with Mama Nature ;)

    Sorry, but here's an argument: My college roommate was previously hospitalized for anorexia, and was addicted to long distance running. She showed me some HS pics that showed her at a dangerously low weight. She just didn't look healthy--bones protruding, sunken eyes, sallow skin. She had regained some weight during our freshman year and looked much healthier.

    Well, anorexia isn't exactly healthy you know? You even said it...she didn't look healthy, but when she put on weight she looked healthier. He said we're attracted to healthy looking people =D.

    She was just on the opposite end of the curve is all!

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Well, here is a link to my before/after pic thread. :glasses:

    You tell me!! :laugh:
  • CMH24
    CMH24 Posts: 101 Member
    Not always. I agree with PP though, it has to do a LOT with confidence. I noticed with my weight loss so far I dress cuter, carry myself with pride and I think that reads to people. I have seen some bigger people who are big and proud and because of that.... look sexy doing so.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    I can say that i feel prettier now that i've dropped my weight. Over 200 pounds and i can tell you that most people don't recognize me when they see old pictures. When you start living a healthy life and you hit goals and face challenges you learn more about yourself. I have learned to love myself at all stages in my weightloss. There were some weird phases where my body hadnt settled into the new size. I feel beautiful now. Still self concious sometimes and i'm still modest with how i dress but when i walk into a room my confidence and great personality will make people fall in love with me. Because i love me lol. Cheesy and cliche but still good :)
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    I have never been pretty :( so im hopeing theres a little improvement
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I don't think girls look prettier, neccessarily. But, I have noticed that girls who drop a lot of weight start to have more confidence to do things with their hair, wear makeup, dress more provocative, and walk around with more confidence than they did before. It's similar to how girls go from working out in sweats and baggy t-shirts to running around in skimpy shorts and sports bras.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I've lost about thirty pounds and I do feel more attractive, but not as much as I wish I did...I really think its about how you carry yourself. If you're confident, you can look very attractive even at higher weights.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    i def look better skinny. when i gain weight it all goes to my face >.< ug

    Me too! My genetics predispose me to double chins. I see people far heavier than me whose faces look like they've found a perfect weight. For me the prettiest weight range is between losing those chins and still having cheeks :laugh:

    I wonder if my chins disappear at such a low weight as a warning: I am also genetically predisposed towards heart problems.

    I read the blog of someone who is super healthy now, and gorgeous, but looks dreadful at her lowest weight. Her cheeks are sunken and she found that weight impossible to maintain... And that's maybe a sign it was wrong too.

    Then again, I watched a documentary about anorexics and those in the film did not have faces as thin as their emaciated bodies, which made me reassess my own use of my face as a barometer of weight loss.

    A few months ago, I looked back at my favourite photos of me and wondered whether I looked better because I was younger or because I was slimmer. I'm relieved to say I now believe it was the latter.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Most people think of models as the ultimate hotness, and aspire to look like them. They are all skinny (or normal at least). So most of us are trained to recognise thinness as a necessary part of beauty. As to whether that is intrinsically true or just a result of social conditioning is another matter.
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