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Question for Swimmers

I have no trouble with cardio (i jog and bicycle), but do not like weight/resistance training for my upper body. I know I need to get this area of exercise in and am wondering if swimming has some value as a type of resistance training or is it just cardio, too?


  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Oh trust me, it's also resistance training. Swimming is a great way to get definition and cardio at the same time.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Swimming can be resistance training if you are doing doing it right or you add exercises. If you keep your legs from moving and just pull with your arms it's a better arm workout.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Swimming will kick your butt. It's the perfect resistance cardio.

    Try it, I guarantee it will make you feel like the first time you used an elliptical and thought you would die. Think about swimmers bodies (yum).

    I was a competitive swimmer for 12 years, and was never in better shape.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    My shoulders, arms and back muscles get bigger when I swim regularly. It's not weightlifting, but it's a good resistance exercise and much nicer on the joints.
  • peytjalmom
    peytjalmom Posts: 76
    Great! My boyz swim nearly everyday during summer vacation. I'll have to jump in with them!!
  • chaimtime
    chaimtime Posts: 18 Member
    Swimming will do it all.

    Cardio - Just swim, freestyle for full body, breast stroke for arms, backstroke for legs.

    Resistance - Swim, don't kick, or wear extra clothing for the resistance
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    It's great for both resistance and cardio! Try including hand paddles, pull-buoy, kick board, flippers, etc. for some variety to your swim. Aquacise is also great - many instructors include resistance in their sessions. You now have me thinking... I wish my swimmer's body back - guess I'd better hit the pool;)
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    best abs I ever had was back when I used to hit the pool :)
  • nursekj
    nursekj Posts: 100 Member
    Think Cardio, resistance and a touch of pilates, Its a great all over work out. When you think about it we generally have stronger legs from all the walking we do but by doing freestyle you are building your upper body strength. It improves your lung capacity too. So try some hand paddles, leg floats and some fins to do some power work, and dont forget to do a few race sprint lengths to really get HR up! I was the fittest in my life when I was a swimmer and did surflife saving training on weekend. Highly reccommended as a sport for asthmatics too.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Definitely resistance.
    I add velcro weights to my ankles for a few laps and use only my arms to increase the resistance.
  • cerdmann
    cerdmann Posts: 60
    Swimming is an excellent way to get upper-body strength and definition. When I needed to lose inches off my upper-back and arms to fit into a mother-of-the-bride dress last Fall, I upped my swimming routine to 5 days a week. In two weeks time I was able to trim 2 inches off my upper-back/chest area.
  • peytjalmom
    peytjalmom Posts: 76
    Thanks everybody!!! Great info and pointers!!!
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Resistance - Swim, don't kick, or wear extra clothing for the resistance

    I swam competitively in USS at regional level until my mid-teens (had to have knees bilaterally scoped), then I got back into it while I was in the Marine Corps as a Combat Water Survival Instructor.

    During my instructor course, my slave-driver instructor trainer now husband had us swim with gov't issue camouflage trousers with the cargo pockets unbuttoned for "drag" 1800yds non-stop for just the warm-up. I still sport them at the pool at 24hr fitness for my warm-up. At first I could maybe do 300yds without stopping and stripping down to "slick" (just speedo/cap/goggles), but have worked my way up to 2x800yds swims with a break to do some butterfly kick to work my legs (I still kick as much as I can doing freestyle with the camo pants, but it's a slow 2 beat).

    For cardio, shoot for doing 6x50yds sprinting with maybe a minute in between (use that big timer clock they should have at any decent lap pool). Work your way up to swimming 10x50yds with even less rest in between (30 sec, or even 15). Then once you've mastered that, start doing 100s instead of 50s.

    (for novices: if you're in a short pool that's 25yds or 25 meters, 1 lap >to the other side and back< = 50, 2 laps = 100, etc.)

    Oh, flip turn drills will do wonders for your abs! If those aren't enough anymore, get out of the water after each length or lap and do a set of crunches/leg lifts/or any other ab exercise on a kickboard for cushion. Getting out each time (no ladder! Haul your butt out on the side) will kick your arms into shape as well.
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    Swimming is the ULTIMATE mix of swimming and cardio! It works out every part of your body!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Yes it is good resistance and cardio training. Freestyle is great for biceps & pecs. Backstroke is good for working your back and triceps especially (quadriceps too if you kick hard). Breastroke targets your pecs, triceps, and inner thighs. Butterfly is the ultimate fat burner and works all of your arms, back, chest and abs.

    Have fun!
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member

    During my instructor course, my slave-driver instructor trainer now husband had us swim with gov't issue camouflage trousers with the cargo pockets unbuttoned for "drag" 1800yds non-stop for just the warm-up. I still sport them at the pool at 24hr fitness for my warm-up. At first I could maybe do 300yds without stopping and stripping down to "slick" (just speedo/cap/goggles), but have worked my way up to 2x800yds swims with a break to do some butterfly kick to work my legs (I still kick as much as I can doing freestyle with the camo pants, but it's a slow 2 beat).

    CARGO PANTS!?!?!?!? Holy crap. That is intense. We only work an extra stretched out suit for drag. Do people give you a look like you have a few screws loose when you jump in the pool with those on? That's a heck of an idea though...what a workout you must get!!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    CARGO PANTS!?!?!?!? Holy crap. That is intense. We only work an extra stretched out suit for drag. Do people give you a look like you have a few screws loose when you jump in the pool with those on? That's a heck of an idea though...what a workout you must get!!

    LOL. Um, having been a female in the Marine Corps already has most guys giving me a wide berth once they find out/figure it out. The gym is one of the few places where I don't feel like I have to hide it :)