Holy Calories!



  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    I know!! It's INSANE! I never looked at calories or NI...which was the reason I got to where I was! Holy Cannoli! When you start looking at what you're feeding yourself, it's a major reality check! Not gonna lie, I still eat fast food...but probably only once a month..IF THAT! I don't even miss it..after I eat it I always feel kinda yucky!

    Yeah I hear you! I didn't realize what I was putting into myself either. But at the time it didnt matter because I was still a growing boy. But now at 17, most people still are growing and all that good stff so they eat whatevr they want and still stay in good shape. For me, when I found out things werent healthy, I stopped immediately and stopped enjoying my enjoyable eating and got so serious it turned into a bad thing. I didn't need to lose weight. I was at 165 at one point when I wasntkeeping track of calories and stuff but as soon as I started, I started losing weight and I went down to 150.. Holy crap right? haha that's what this nurotic eating does to me lol
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I have eliminated coca cola and stick to water and tea now.
    I don't eat meat, but rather choose soy products.

    I have lately been looking up recipes... one of my major weaknesses is delivery pizza. I used to get it so often and never get sick of it.. I haven't had it in 3 weeks and that's probably been the longest I've gone without it in months to be honest with you. But now I am discovering things like English muffin pizzas, WAY better for you, but with the same taste (or similar).

    I am feeling better because of the way I eat now and am interested in trying to make similar foods to what I used to love, but healthier. I am staying away from bread for a while too, have noticed a large difference cutting back starches and sugars, though that is an experiment and not a "forever" change.

    Basically, I am just trying healthier versions of delicious meals, and in smaller portions!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    switched from soda to diet, same for cordial.
    I pretty much don't eat bread anymore (except for where there are no other options).
    No butter/margarine.
    I don't eat fries/chips. I will always switch it to veggies. Can cost extra. A book I read called it "six pack tax" haha
    switched from full cream to skim milk
    Try to avoid pretty much anything fried/crumbed/battered e.g. fish, onion rings, all that stuff.
    If I get pizza, I get the healthy one from dominos. (low fat, less than 400 cals)
    Re Maccas: the only thing I eat there is the seared chicken wraps. And only eat there when I have no other option basically.
    I don't really eat cheese anymore. Never really liked it that much anyway but calories bang for buck is just not worth it. Heaps of low fat cottage cheese though.
    switched from normal peanut butter to natural. (not for cals, to be rid of any of the "extras" they put in normal)
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    All fast food. I gave it all up. Including those yummy coffee drinks!
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    I've notice a bit difference just by changing the type of bread I eat from the regular white or wheat to Sara Lee 45 calorie white or wheat. I can now have 2 slices for less calories than 1 slice of normal bread and it still tastes just as delicious!!
    And like the rest of you I was shell shocked by the amount of calories in fast food items. Now I know why I gained all the weight in the first place when I began eating out more. Cut that out and watch the pounds drop!!
  • hyper588
    hyper588 Posts: 28
    I used to crave Culvers. Like another, I stepped the value meal down to their snack pak, which saves 1/3 of the calories. (Or the kiddie meal...if I have to have an ice cream, which is included with their kiddie meal).

    But, I'm finding the craving for Culver's is almost non-existent and replaced with eating grilled, spicy tilipia. I am eating steamed veggies instead of potatoes/french fries. I suspect fried potatoes are a trigger food for me

    I've always had a sweet tooth...and liked regular cola. Have switched to diet sodas and recently found A&W diet rootbeer is quite tasty.
  • janine0187
    janine0187 Posts: 15
    I gave up fizzy drinks and pizza for lunch! (not every day but twice a week it used to be!) Now my boyfriend and I have decided to have "bad food" only once every 2 weeks! As a little treat!

    I didn't really give up much because I have been eating fruit and stuff before I started losing weight. It is more the laziness I have to get rid of and start exercising. Mostly sitting in, in front of my lappy and never go out. Which is one good thing because alcohol has a lot of calories as well.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Ok. Mine is a little different. In addition to the things everyone is saying... McDonald's, full-cal soda, juice, and so forth... ever since I started SERIOUSLY paying attention to calories I've pretty much given up TV. I used to watch 2-4 hours (some days even more) of TV per day!
    About the time my mind set changed to "this food/drink is not worth spending the calories on" it was an easy transition to thinking "but I could burn MORE calories doing this, that, or the other thing rather than watching tv"` In the past week, I've watched MAYBE 2 hours of tv.
    Sadly.... I have no idea what's going on in Salem anymore (Days of our Lives). :blushing:
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i've given up nearly all of my 'quorn' foods(im a veggie) as they are packed full of sodium...i just eat meat free hotdogs...they are 200mg for 2, compared to the 200mg each with the quorn ones

    i have swapped white rice and pasta for whole wheat...same with bread

    i never eat whole eggs, i always stick to egg whites.
  • kimmeyjo
    kimmeyjo Posts: 57 Member
    I gave up sodas for water. Also I love pizza, instead of ordering pizza out, I make my own and use turkey pepperoni. It cuts out alot of fat and calories and I still get to eat pizza
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    Ok. Mine is a little different. In addition to the things everyone is saying... McDonald's, full-cal soda, juice, and so forth... ever since I started SERIOUSLY paying attention to calories I've pretty much given up TV. I used to watch 2-4 hours (some days even more) of TV per day!
    About the time my mind set changed to "this food/drink is not worth spending the calories on" it was an easy transition to thinking "but I could burn MORE calories doing this, that, or the other thing rather than watching tv"` In the past week, I've watched MAYBE 2 hours of tv.
    Sadly.... I have no idea what's going on in Salem anymore (Days of our Lives). :blushing:

    That's so interesting and different! I think that's fantastic. If everyone could get off the couch and spend some extra TV time working out, then it's great to improve your health :) awesome job
  • philandrachel
    Burger King is the only fast food I eat now, and rarely because I will get their Veggie Burger with mustard. I don't know of any other fast food places around that have veg burgers and I love them, so once in awhile I will get one. No more sodas and hot tamales in moderation! :wink:
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I gave up sodas for quite some time in the beginning but then went to diet which isnt any better lol... I cut them out again for sparkling water and of course I drink reg. water everyday like I should. I also quite drinking juice & kool aid. I hardly drank reg. cows milk to begin with and would only have it with cereal but I switched to almond milk which is much better to me and less calories :D
  • Mommyof3texans
    I've given up soda, chips, cookies, fast food. I drink water almost exclusively except for my morning black coffee and an occasional white tea.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I haven't really given up anything. I've made a conscious decision to think about what I'm eating and how much. The real change I've made is a rule. I no longer eat at my desk. I work outdoors most of the time and when I come home a majority of my time is spent at my desk. Used to have a shelf next to me of snacks!!! Now, no food allowed at the desk! Amazing how much neater it is too!!!
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Given up cheese, most bread, and all sugar. Trying to eat things with just one ingredient, or stuff I can identify, without being a chemist.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    I hear you on the fast food nutrition/calorie thing! I gave up McDonald's sweet tea, couldn't believe how much sugar was in that. Now if I have it I'll ask for non-sweet with Splenda instead. I've really given up a lot of fast foods, still have it in moderation, but not like I had before. Also I mostly drink just water. I REALLY like restaurants that will list the caloric value for each item on the menu, it really helps me to make smarter choices. I wish that would become mandatory everywhere.

    I do too! I would definitely help us make a more educated decision about what we choose to order.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    I still eat out whever I feel like it, I just have changed what I order. McDonald's for instance, instead of a Big Mac meal or a 10 piece Chicken Nugget, I get a grilled snack wrap with no sauce and no cheese, a bag of apples w/no caramel, or a side salad and water to drink. Wendy's chili is actully not too bad for you. Coupled with their side salad or fruit cup and water to drink it's a healthier choice to a greasy burger. When I do want a hamburger, I usually get just a regular hamburger from whatever restaurant I go to. Taco Bell's fresco chicken tacos are pretty good if you leave off the pico salsa...I don't care for it at all. Two restaurants I have pretty much refused to eat at is Long John Silver's and Chinese Buffetts. I love them both, but I can't justify the fat and calories in the food there. I also haven't ate pizza out either. I have worked too hard to blow it with a bad choice. I have however ate the frozen BBQ chicken pizza from the California Pizza Kitchen. It's actually not too bad for a serving. If you eat a salad with it, it is quite yummy.
  • His_Kid
    His_Kid Posts: 44
    I haven't given up any group of foods 100%. In the past, if I have started to get too legalistic (for ME, not saying you are being that way when you do it) I start feeling all deprived and it sets me up for a binge. I am really working on making more conscious choices, transitioning to "cleaner" foods (whole grains, lean proteins, fewer chemicals, lots of super fresh fruits & veggies). Now, that's not to say that I won't EVER cut out groups, because I could see that coming down the road, but this is working for now. It's all about building/replacing habits for me right now.
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    I still eat out whever I feel like it, I just have changed what I order. McDonald's for instance, instead of a Big Mac meal or a 10 piece Chicken Nugget, I get a grilled snack wrap with no sauce and no cheese, a bag of apples w/no caramel, or a side salad and water to drink. Wendy's chili is actully not too bad for you. Coupled with their side salad or fruit cup and water to drink it's a healthier choice to a greasy burger. When I do want a hamburger, I usually get just a regular hamburger from whatever restaurant I go to. Taco Bell's fresco chicken tacos are pretty good if you leave off the pico salsa...I don't care for it at all. Two restaurants I have pretty much refused to eat at is Long John Silver's and Chinese Buffetts. I love them both, but I can't justify the fat and calories in the food there. I also haven't ate pizza out either. I have worked too hard to blow it with a bad choice. I have however ate the frozen BBQ chicken pizza from the California Pizza Kitchen. It's actually not too bad for a serving. If you eat a salad with it, it is quite yummy.

    Hmm thats interesting I ne'er thought about eating mcdonalds in moderation I just canceled it out completely. I might try it again but not sure. I have been off fast food for a year and a half so I may try it again.