What Was The Turning Point For You?



  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    At the house where I babysit, there is a mirror in the foyer. One day I looked in the mirror at my stomach and thought EW. This is not attractive. I was about 138-140 then. That day I decided I had to change what I was doing and I haven't looked back since. I usually get into a healthy kick for a week or two but I started being better to my body in early April and I'm still going and don't plan on stopping!!! I never want to go back to feeling ashamed of my body.
  • roseannericke
    roseannericke Posts: 7 Member
    I think photos do it for most of us..but my turning point was the epiphany that I was squeezing into a pair of jeans...just because going out and buying new was too much work....because when I looked in the full length mirror I was disappointed at how I looked and then the spiral continued and I was in a bad mood cause I felt horrible about the way I looked...needless to say, I am SSSOOOO glad I found this sight...it helps me keep things in perspective!!
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    I blew a blood vessel in my eye. The doctor told me all the possible causes, blood pressure was the likely culprit. I had to go on blood pressure meds. I hate taking pills. My doctor sent me to a dietician. I lost 20 lbs. in eight months. Over the winter I gained 10 pounds back. I decided not this time. 2010 was the first year I can remember weighing less at years end. I was going to keep the weight off and start a new tradition of not gaining it all back plus. I now weigh 264 I have two more pounds to get below my last summers weight. I have tried fad diets. I always gain it back. This time I am trying to get in a exercise and diet schedule I can live with for the long haul. I would love to see the other side of 200. I have a boss that had the by pass surgery, He went from 340 to a current 180 but eats nothing but crap. We go in his office and he will be spiting whatever junk food he has been chewing on in the garbage. It's gross! If ever there was a poster boy for not having the surgery it's him. There are no quick fixes, I put on this weight a few pounds per year since Sept 1986 (before a got pregnant for my daughter ,@ 120) Hopefully it won't take that long to take the weight off. I would like to start dating and go traveling but my weight slows me down.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I want to start a family and never saw myself 350 lbs and pregnant...but in order to get pregnant at all, you have to actually be able to have sex with your husband...if I'm being honest. It's next to impossible. I'm now 346 lbs and he's roughly 420 lbs. I figure if I'm REALLY serious this time and buckle down and we start seeing results, then maybe he'll follow suit. I worry about him. He smokes too. Also, we're moving to GA to be nearer to friends and family in about a year, and I want to start really TRYING for a baby then. And I want to be one of those families that gets out and DOES things together...
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I was never inspired to lose weight. I continued to eat, continued to stuff my feelings down into my stomach via food, and I was fine with it. I thought that if someone would love me, they would love the fat me. I continued to destroy myself for 5 1/2 years after having my daughter and I gained 100 pounds in those 5 years. I continued to have that destructive mind-set and never really wanted to do anything about it. I was addicted to food (and I still am).

    One day, as I dropped my daughter off at school, a little boy said "wow, your mom is SO fat, she is really, really huge" and I wanted to die. I literally wanted to lay down right there and just die. I knew I was fat. I knew I was super morbidly obese but I NEVER wanted my daughter to hear about it. And now that she's school-aged (and kids have no censorship or know better about saying these things out loud), it's happening.

    On that same day my work sent out an email about "Shape Up the Nation" a challenge we, as a hospital, were going to participate in and they were looking for participants. I signed up.

    My start date was March 7th, 2011. I found MFP that same day and I haven't looked back. I've lost 55 pounds in less than 3 months. My work challenge has been over since May 15th and yet, here I am, going and going and going! I WILL continue to lose the additional 130 I'd like to lose. Even at that weight, I will still be obese. At that point I will want to lose about 50-75 more pounds but I need to get to that big first goal before I focus on that REALLY long term goal.

    One step at a time.... I can do this. Here are my stats:

    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 436.4
    CW: 381.2
    1st GW: 250
    Ultimate GW: 175
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Wow, everyone who posted - thank you! You are truly an inspiration. Everyone here has a reason why they want to get better with eating habits and exercise and life a healthy lifestyle. Reading what made everyone say, "Enough is enough" motivates me SO much!

    Thank you all again - I will refer back to this thread ANY time I need some inspiration!!