


  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    My Halloween costumes are what would normally be counted as Cosplay (Scorpion from MK was a particular favourite). I always seem to be away when there is a local convention though :|
  • Organicgasm
    Organicgasm Posts: 592 Member
    edited December 2014
    How did this get revived 3 years later? Lol
  • yourradimradletshug
    Never done it but I want to get into to. My friends wanted me to go with them to Otakon dressed as Misa from Death Note
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    My current list of cosplay is Clementine from The Walking Dead Telltale Game, Neptune from RWBY, Aveline from Assassin's Creed Liberation (Lady and Assassin outfit), Mary Read as James Kidd from Assassin's Creed 4, and Celty From Durarara!!

    It's going to be a long while before I do any like these because some of these would be really hard to make. Especially Aveline's. And I don't really have the experience :neutral_face:. I'm probably going to do Clementine then Neptune first.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Bad cosplay photos are 100% responsible for my weight loss success. Until I started cosplaying, I avoided having pictures taken of me like the plague. But if you're going to spend time on a costume, you want people to take pictures of it and you want to remember it. Those pictures were not pretty. I vowed that at the same con next year, I would be much happier about my costumes and my pictures. And I was :)

    There's kind of a year long review of my cosplay in my success thread. It's heavily Doctor Who, although now that I have more confidence in my appearance, I'll be branching out into other fandoms -

    And, my dream costume is almost complete. As an american muslim, since they announced the new Ms. Marvel Kamala Khan at the end of 2013 (also an american muslim), I knew I had to cosplay her. But no way would I do that at 200 lbs. One year later, totally all over that costume. I need my wig and mask, the boots need to be covered and the tunic needs to be taken in a bit more, but I should be ready to save the world in time for the spring con season!
  • votick
    votick Posts: 77 Member

    Beginning my cosplay for Kamina from Gurren Lagann. Just have the glasses so far, convention is in July though.
  • VampireRazer
    VampireRazer Posts: 5 Member
    I cosplay and have done so for a while now my interest range from Jrock, games, to anime/manga. I have cosplayed Jun from the jrock band Phantasmagoria, Mana from the band Malice Mizer (although this was one of my first cosplays ever). I did two variations of Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, Tier 4 Warlock from World of Warcraft, Ashura Ou from RG Veda/ Tsubasa Chronicle, Hikaru Shidou goddess variation from Magic Knight Rayearth, and Kanure Stella(Big Mama) from Sorcerer Hunters. I make all of my costumes and have learned over the years how to style wigs, cast with resin, and use worbla (and wonderflex) not to mention other awesome skills! I love cosplay because it allows me to be creative and learn new techniques! I have some examples of my cosplay in my profile but I will link one. Also I attend Metrocon in Tampa every year and have been for the last 9 years. abu0fmzabo04.jpgKanure Stella(Big Mama) from Sorcerer Hunters Metrocon 2014
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    I cosplay. I started when I was in college but then put on a bunch of weight and didn't feel comfortable doing it anymore. Now that I've lost some weight I am getting back into it. Here are a few of my pictures:
  • JackKopCh
    JackKopCh Posts: 8,042 Member
    kestrel359 wrote: »

    I have no words for how jealous I am of you......
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    These conventions take place all over the world. I'm sure you can go to one near you