One More Day People! --70 dayz run!

My husband is a track and cross-country coach (high school) over the summer every year someone designs a t-shirt and any of the kids who run 70 days during the summer break get a shirt and pizza party at the end of the summer.

Well, last year my husband found an extra shirt he had, so he gave it to me. I decided I wouldnt' be allowed to wear it until I, too, had run 70 days (had to run a minimum of 3 mi for it to count as a "day"). So, starting Jan 1st, I started counting. 5 LONG months later, and here I am.. ran my 69th run today!

I work the next 3 days, so not sure if I'll be able to make myself run before fri.. but will post a pic of myself in the shirt when I make it!

woo -hoo. I can see the light!