Welp, lets do this

akheater Posts: 3 Member
I don't know how many times I've said I was going to lose weight. I just finished up my sophomore year in college and yeah I've put on a few pounds since high school and I'd like to get them back off. For me the hardest part is knowing what I need to do but not doing it. I'm a nursing major for goodness sake I am trained to know about nutrition and healthy eating habits. But I do fall under the nightmare of cafeteria food and yes sometimes after a late night of partying, Taco Bell is the only thing that will cure my hangover. I need to make a life change and I guess now is better than ever to do it. I have turned over a new lief with my nursing career and now it is time to turn over a new lief with my weight. I really want to do this for me and for my boyfriend. I'm not fat. Thats what everyone tells me but I'd like to be toner I guess. I just want to be hot and I know that's probably not the right mind set to go into this but I know what I want and I know I can get it. So yeah. I don't have a diet buddy or anything I just have me and my determination. I"m tired of the self-loathing. I want to like myself. So here's to day one!


  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Go get 'er girl, you can do this!

    I've been in your shoes way too many times before. Take it day by day, and don't try and be perfect all at once.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Go get 'er girl, you can do this!

    I've been in your shoes way too many times before. Take it day by day, and don't try and be perfect all at once.
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You can definitely do it! :) I'm in pretty much the same situation (just finished sophomore year at college too!), and really look forward to using this summer to turn over a new leaf.