Ladies, your man flexes, what goes through your mind?



  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    And here I thought that most if not all women loved the big biceps not the freaky huge like you see in Muscle building Mags but like the lean cut look....That is what I am going for more like Tyrese Gibson or The Rock....
    Tyrese Gibson...........(big sigh, wiping drool off my mouth) What were we talking about????
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Maybe she's feeling insecure or less attractive?
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i love when my hubby flexes!!
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Have to say, I haven't thought about it. My hubby's disabled, so not a lot of flexing going on there.... Visually I've always like more muscle on a guy, but I've never really stopped to think about what its supposed to feel like.

    It does kind of sound like she's not feeling as hot and interested as she used to?
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    ugh...i would never pull my hand away...i would squeeze it and say "what big muscles you have!"... :blushing:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Sorry to say, I would probably laugh at my husband if he flexed at me in a non-jokey manner. We have been together long enough (since we were teenagers), and have both been a lot fitter and in better shape than we are now, and well, he's not the most muscley of men. Saying that I like him as he is, but he's a cyclist. He doesn't have arm muscles. Or abs.
  • ajricketts
    ajricketts Posts: 32
    Well, with my wife it depends. If she grabs my arms or anything while I'm lifting our daughter or doing some sort of work, she loves when I flex. But, if she just wants to hold my arms, legs, etc., she doesn't like it when I flex. She likes to just hold me and feel my body relaxed with her. She doesn't like the hard feeling of my muscles flexing. And I'm not huge or buff by any means.

    She never likes it when I flex when she grabs my butt, lol, but that is involuntary!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Ummm... I think I understand this. My husband does it all the time, but I don't mind. However, we have a friend who is in very good shape and can flex his pecks- he often does it intermittently, like he's winking or something. It's kinda like wiggling one's ears.

    I think muscles are attractive, but depending on how they move maybe she's having a similiar reaction to me when I see somebody wiggling ears or pecks. The muscles static and flexed or relaxed are attractive, but the sensation of them moving (and feeling them move under skin) could be very weird.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    You may want to ask her WHY she thinks it's gross... maybe it's nothing to do with how awesome your muscles are and more that she thinks it feels wierd or something to feel you randomly flex? I'd talk to YOUR lady about it, instead of asking what we think :smile:

    I did ask her why and her response was because the human body isn't supposed to be able to do that:ohwell: . I would think that she'd be used to it considering we've been together for 4 years and married for 1.5.

    Back in the day, she used to like it, but has since changed.

    Dont feel bad. I have a lot of back in the day situations.

    I think it is naturual for all men to do this. Us male must attract our mates you know.