Waiting on Wedesday...

So for the first time, maybe ever, I am waiting for Wednesday before I weigh in. I always say I will wait and then sneak a weigh in pretty much every day. If its good I am super pumped and if its bad I would get majorly demotivated.
So last Wednesday after my weigh in (-2 pounds :happy: ) I had my husband hide the scale. I really have no idea where he put it so I can't cheat.
Well now it is Monday night and I feel like I have done good this week, but since I haven't had that daily check in I feel like I'm going in for a test I haven't studied for. Well fingers crosses and I'll continue to wait for Wednesday.


  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Lol wensday is my my first weight in too an I can't wait I actually hid my scale under the sink and Im waiting for for that day..lol...
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    LOL That would be really tough for me. I get on that scale every day (yes I know we aren't suppose to). I think if I told my husband to hide the scale; I might find myself "trying" out scales at the store. Good luck on your weigh in on Wednesday!
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    Tomorrow is the big day! I will post in the morning how it goes!
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    Well.....:ohwell: I didn't lose any weight this week. I did lose an inch in my waist and half an inch on my hips. And I think I learned that I need that daily "how am I doing". By last night I was a nervous wreck wondering and hoping for what the scale would say. The scale shouldn't be a hope and prayer thrown up in the air once a week. When I step on the scale on Wednesdays I should have a pretty good idea what it should say.
    M-W of this weigh in week we will be on vacation with my husband's family so that will be a challenge but they are all pretty active so even though we will be eating out a lot I think I can earn a lot of activity calories.
    My experiment of giving up the scale for a week had been a NSV of sorts. I know I can finish this off. I have already lost a 14 pounds from my high weight and I can do these last 12.