40+ grams of fibre but things still aren't moving



  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    I have had IBS for 30 years. I have yo-yo'd between diarrhea and constipation for decades....can you say hemmorhoids? And no. It is NOT funny. I've had boughts where I have prayed for death. Until I discovered GROUND psyllium fibre about 6 years ago. I take a heaping tablespoon every single day. Every Single Day. Sometimes 2 tablespoons. It is the ONLY thing that has given me any relief in all the years I've been plagued by this. I won't lie. It is nasty stuff to swallow, but I swallow it, because the alternative is unthinkable. It helps, no matter what the issue is. Why? Because it 'fluffs' the waste material into a soft, yet formed substance. It turns into little beads of gel, like tapioca, and gives the waste substance, while letting it pass easily. Effortlessly even. I add it to my protein shake in the morning. 1 scoop whey protein, 1 heaping scoop ground psyllium husks, add water, mix quickly, gag it back as fast as I can [don't wait...it turns into glop very fast], and I'm good to go. No pun intended.

  • maria1993
    maria1993 Posts: 112
    Two words.. Sesame oil!!

    It works, and it tastes great. You can drizzle it over your salads or just take it by the spoon full. It has an asian flavor. Start with 1.5 teaspoons a day, and increase until you get the needed effect
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Thanks for the sesame oil and psyllium suggestions. I have just introduced a high fibre cereal which contains psyllium (was sick of having Sultana Bran every single day, so now I can alternate) - if this doesn't work I might have to get some ground psyllium. Would mixing it into yoghurt work as an easier way to get it down? I have sesame oil in the pantry so I might have to try that too.

    I resorted to stool softeners two days ago and have had diorrhea ever since. One extreme to the other.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    I went to the health food shop today and bought a bottle of aloe vera juice and packets of psyllium husks and chia seeds. I just had some psyllium and chia in yoghurt with a little honey and cinnamon. It was YUM. Hopefully it does the trick.