Not new but looking for friends :)

FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
because let's be honest... you can never have too many!!!

I'm 25 (well will be in 8 days!)
Female (Duh!)
Live in Birmingham UK
I like to bake, ride horses (need more horsey friends!), I work for the NHS (health service)



  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I am 28, from Herts, UK. Looking to lose another 4 stone.
    Feel free to friend me (that goes for anyone else too!) :smile:
  • booberj
    booberj Posts: 69
    hello I'm from the states but usually on fairly early in the morning here so add me if you would like
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    hi im in london. you can add me if you like.
  • ashleigh2311
    ashleigh2311 Posts: 105 Member
    im from brum too (Well, student in Leeds, but home is bham)

    I agree, the more the merrier :)

    feel free to add x
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I live in the UK, too and work in Brum...please feel free to add me!
  • mecasgirl
    mecasgirl Posts: 64
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like! :drinker:
  • Tjarvi
    Tjarvi Posts: 53
    I'm looking to glean whatever I can from anyone. I love to look @ diaries and get ideas. I have never counted calories before I am clueless. Add me=)
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Hiya - 29, from N Ireland, feel free to add me! :bigsmile:
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