Midsection Nightmare!

jnb0203 Posts: 59 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been trying to lose weight since September 1st. I have totally quit drinking diet coke and drink nothing but water. I have been on myfitnesspal for a week recording what I eat (the week before I kept a notebook, but this place is easier) and I have done very well. I workout everyday, whether it is walking around my local park or riding my stationary bike. I have also incorpated a few days a week some strength workouts with resistance bands.

And so far I have noticed a lot of changes. I haven't weighed myself but I have noticed a lot in my clothes. My problem is my midsection is the worst part of me! I gained a lot of weight with both of my pregnancies and never lost it. In shirt size I can wear and 18, in pants I can wear 18/20 in my legs but they wont button! I have to wear a 24 pants just to go around my hips and stomach but they are so very baggy in the legs! :mad:

My question is, is there any kind of specific workouts I could do to target this area? I can tell I've lost a little from all of my body except for my tummy and hips! Any advice would be much appreciated! :flowerforyou:


  • jnb0203
    jnb0203 Posts: 59 Member
    I have been trying to lose weight since September 1st. I have totally quit drinking diet coke and drink nothing but water. I have been on myfitnesspal for a week recording what I eat (the week before I kept a notebook, but this place is easier) and I have done very well. I workout everyday, whether it is walking around my local park or riding my stationary bike. I have also incorpated a few days a week some strength workouts with resistance bands.

    And so far I have noticed a lot of changes. I haven't weighed myself but I have noticed a lot in my clothes. My problem is my midsection is the worst part of me! I gained a lot of weight with both of my pregnancies and never lost it. In shirt size I can wear and 18, in pants I can wear 18/20 in my legs but they wont button! I have to wear a 24 pants just to go around my hips and stomach but they are so very baggy in the legs! :mad:

    My question is, is there any kind of specific workouts I could do to target this area? I can tell I've lost a little from all of my body except for my tummy and hips! Any advice would be much appreciated! :flowerforyou:
  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    idk about workouts but i have herd to eat a lot of monounsaturated fats to target belly fats and to avoid a lot of white breads
  • It is great that you have dedicated time each day to work out that is the first step. I am not a fitness professional, but I have always heard CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO, so maybe you should try to increase your pace of walking, or walk longer or maybe even try running short distances a few feet then walk and run a few feet then walk.... Also, I think the strength training that your doing is very good. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn... The mid section is a trickly spot to lose weight. I also heard that correct posture will help tone the tummy, so try standing up strait and sitting up strait. Also drink milk or take calcium chews, studies show that the more calcium, the less fat is stored. !! Good luck
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    I know. It is so frustrating. The thing is is that we tend to lose our "oldest " fat last....meaning that if that's where you put it on first it will be the last to go. But don't give up hope. Keep doing stomach exercises and build up that muscle. When the fat decides to finally let go it will be worth so worth it.

    Keep on going girl, you can do it.:flowerforyou:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    My mid-section is the worst for me too, and since I have lost 18 pounds I definitely feel a difference in my pants and how they fit, but I still have much more of a belly than I would like. There is no real way to target fat burn, you just have to do cardio to burn the fat and it comes off wherever it wants to. You can do crunches which will strengthen the abdominal muscles, that way once the fat is burned off your muscles will already be in better shape, and more muscle will help burn fat off even when your sitting around doing nothing.

    I also heard that taking supplements with omega 3 can help target tummy fat, but I really don't know how scientific that claim is. Just something I read in a magazine.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I've always had the same problem, plus I'm short. Because of my tummy - I was in a sz.24, but could easily fit my legs into a sz.16. Now, I really AM a sz.16. All I can say is cardio, cardio, and more cardio. I still have a very long way to go, but this is what has been working for me so far. Hang in there!
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I third that....cardio works...I have not had any kids yet but I know that some other women on these boards have had belly surgery and have been really happy. I'm not a proponent of surgery or drugs, but I think if I had kids and my stomach became saggy where no matter how much cardio or weight I lose, it still hangs, I would have it. Kate on "Jon and Kate + 8" had it....she had a lot more kids than I could ever imagine, but I see the point.
  • Gator4RTR
    Gator4RTR Posts: 119 Member
    My midsection is the worst area of my body. Like Soup said, it is the oldest fat on my body and is proving the hardest to get rid of.

    Hang in there with your plan. It will come off , it will just take time.
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    my midsection is also my problem area.
    I have been working out and eating right since December. I have lost weight and inches from all over my body.
    At this time, I am lean all over with the exception of my lower ab area (stretch marks=fat deposit and storage area) I have also thought about liposuction and a tummy tuck, but I am convinced that if I keep doing what I am doing it will eventually be gone...
    "First on, last off" is what I have heard about abdominal fat.

    Keep doing what you are doing and be patient.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    The dreaded belly fat. just wait until it starts coming off and you get the belly flop (ha ha). Cardio has really helped me, but don't forget to tone the muscle under the layers too (it's there, it really is). So that when the belly starts going, and it will, you just have to be patient, you will have some good muscle support under it.
    As for the cardio, I started with 20 minutes a day and built up from there, you have to listen to what your body tells you that you are capable of. When it gets easy, increase time and intensity.
  • jnb0203
    jnb0203 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks to everyone who responded to me I appreciate it!!!! I have been stepping up on my cardio as much as my body will handle. I hope it will get easier once I lose more weight. I weighed myself when I first joined here and then weighed myself this past Saturday, which was a week later, and I have lost 8 lbs. Its probably water weight and plus I'm heavy to begin with!
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Yeah, my midsection/abs/beer belly/whatever ya wanna call it is decidedly my worst area! :angry: But I can also tell ya that if you do keep up with the cardio, you will get results, slowly, but you will get to where ya wanna be! :flowerforyou:
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    I have 4 kids all via C- Sections, so I can so relate to the Belly Fat Drama! Running worked for me. It did wonders actually. I also did alot of core work like Pilates. Unfourtunately we cannot spot reduce but rest assured the belly fat will reduce if you get a sufficient amount of cardio going.

    Good Luck!:smile:

  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    SAME here...I have always been apple shaped and have always held my weight in my belly
    Even as I've lost weight...when I find something that buttons at the waist my butt/legs are swimming....but when I find something that fits my legs the waist is too tight!
    I've been walking daily for 6 mnths but it hasn't cut it...I even added floor tummy exc
    I started doing yoga (again) daily and in the past 2-3 weeks I see a HUGE difference
    The video I have is by Singh and Brett and is called Fat free (something like that)..loose weight and feel great

    Good luck and if u have any questions..let me know
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Denise Austins 'Targeting your Female fat Zones" is a good over all toner. But you have to remember it takes time. And you will probably lose from the outside in. Like when I lose weight I first notice in my face and hands, then forearms and calves, then thighs and chest, and the last place I seem to lose is my midsection. So for me it's a matter of staying in there long enough to notice the changes.

    Welcome to our forum and good luck
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    *Raises hand to join the Midsection Nightmare club*

    After two abdominal surgeries, a pregnancy where I gained 60 lbs (when already 40 lbs overweight), and a c-section, my midsection is a mess.

    If I continue my work out regimen and my flabby tummy remains intact in ten years, then I will have a tummy tuck. That is what I decided. BUT, I must give my all for ten years. Why so long? Because I am convinced hard work for the long duration will bring my body back to it's correct shape.

    I love this thread, y'all.
    I feel normal about my belly now.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Yeah if I lose another 30 and my tummy's still bad I get to get a tummy tuck when we have no debt. So maybe in ten years we could go together.
  • I've read all of your comments. Has anyone had a vertical c-section, my stomach looks like a rear end. I really need to tighten it up, my back is killing me. I am new to this and all of you are so encouraging so I am being brave here asking for HELP!
  • giggles724
    giggles724 Posts: 49 Member
    I must agree with the rest of the gang!

    Last "fat" will come off first

    I must tell you I have the same problem, I call it my kangaroo pouch! hehehe, just give yourself time girl, it will come off eventually. I've noticed with myself, my weight loss starts from my face, to my chest to my arms, to my legs and lastly my tummy. I was in a size 16 and now in a 12/14 and my pants now gap in the back. They fit perfect on my legs but ride when i side down now. GRR!!

    Trust me, it will come off! :wink:
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I've read all of your comments. Has anyone had a vertical c-section, my stomach looks like a rear end. I really need to tighten it up, my back is killing me. I am new to this and all of you are so encouraging so I am being brave here asking for HELP!

    Okay -- no this hasn't happened to me but I have three kids and I am unsure if I will ever see my "starter" stomach again!! Anyway, here are some suggestions:

    Supermans on the floor or ball
    weighted pull over (start LIGHT) sit ups
    Ball crunches
    try Yoga or a pilates work out -- should help with core.

    Your back is supported by both your stomach and your back muscles, so you have to do both. Just start light and easy and google any of the above exercises for instructions if you don't know what they are.
    Good luck. OH and cardio, cardio, cardio -- but you need to really work on those core muscles to support your frame. It will make everything else easier.
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