Need support

truckerchic Posts: 58 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Hello all, I have been lacking in the motivation dept for the past few months and have backslid...I could use a little help..I have just started a new Twitter for this. I am a truck driver so a healthy lifestyle takes a little more effort, I team drive with my husband who is a great support and trying right along with me but I could use some friends =0) add me please....@Truckerchic_MFP...thank you!!


  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm adding you :-)
    We all need all the support we can get!
  • KTalada
    KTalada Posts: 47
    I don't use Twitter, but sent you a friend request here on MFP. Would love to have another friend on this journey! :)
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    you can do it! There is plenty of support here. Feel free to add me here and add me on twitter: briandelgaudio
  • truckerchic
    truckerchic Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone thats why I love this site..the tools are great but the people are awesome!!!
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