Will I ever be able to get in shape at my age?

MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I am 61 years old, and very out of shape. I was never an exerciser even in my youth. I was 210 lbs 16 months ago, and now I am down to 181. I found MFP a couple of months ago and am trying to eat healthier. Trying to stay with in my calorie goal and bought a treadmill. When I first got it I found 2mph hard on no incline and now I can do 3mphs on a two incline.. But the belly is still a huge problem.. I bought a JM 30 day shred last night and tried it today on level one and could not even get half way through it. I have no co_ordination at all. Jumping jacks were difficult and I can not even do one push up, not even following the one that is doing the simple moves. My heart was really racing, and it does not do that when I get off the tread mill after 60 minutes of walking. Legs are like bowls of jelly now.. Will this ever become easier to follow? or should I just stick to the walking? Is it even possible to get a flatter stomach at my age?


  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I am the same age, although I was not quite as out of shape as you say you are. I wasn't in great shape, though and have some ailments that don't let me exercise too much.

    You should make sure your doctor approves of the type of exercises you want to do, but YES, you can do it. I have lost 30 pounds and am in the best shape I have been in years, decades even. It take a little longer and you have to be very strict with the calorie counting.

    I always overestimated my calories on food and underestimated my exercise calories. I steadily lost a pound a week for many weeks.

    Don't use your age as an excuse!!!
  • Melissajojo3
    Melissajojo3 Posts: 100
    you can do anything you set your mind into!! :) Stay motivated, if you need to take baby steps, by all means do it, just don't give up... You don't have to over work your self at the gym, just eat healthy, talk nice walks, and drink a lot of water- every now and then you can even get in a swimming pool and work your legs, this really helps a lot...
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    Do you guys watch Biggest Loser? It was a guy there around 60 years old and he lost 140 lb and went to finals!

    I think the age relly doesn't count . The motivation couns!
    Good luck in your journey:)
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    you can do anything you set your mind into!! :) Stay motivated, if you need to take baby steps, by all means do it, just don't give up... You don't have to over work your self at the gym, just eat healthy, talk nice walks, and drink a lot of water- every now and then you can even get in a swimming pool and work your legs, this really helps a lot...
    like:) so true]
  • meshellw
    meshellw Posts: 50 Member
    Dont give up.. take your time and do it at your level. If now you cant get the entire way through , do what you can.. you are at least doing some. In a few days or so you will be able to go a little further then a little more until you are going through it. it may be slow moving at first but anything you do is better than none. Keep it up and just take your time. There is no hurry.. :)
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I have one word for you Callanetics, it's an old tape they converted to DVD from 1986 but it's the best tightening and toning in a not strenuous way I have ever done. It works on a very deep muscular level with small 1/2 inch movements, she even shows you before and afters during the video. It's even great for people with back problems. It works fast! Make sure you get the original on dvd though. You can look up her website Callan Pinckney's Callanetics.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    If the coordination of the moved on the 30DS is a problem maybe try the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. Most of those have toning exercises mixed in with the walking.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Yes! You can get in shape and have a flatter stomach. It takes a ton of hard work and dedication. Keep walking - it's one of the best forms of exercise. It's easy on joints and is great at burning calories that will stay off! As for 30 DS - It does get easier. Try doing all of the moves with out weights first. The movement is the most important part. Push ups are just hard no matter what! lol! Keep at it - you will be able to do more than one. Good luck and Great job on your progress so far!
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    I am 61 years old, and very out of shape. I was never an exerciser even in my youth. I was 210 lbs 16 months ago, and now I am down to 181. I found MFP a couple of months ago and am trying to eat healthier. Trying to stay with in my calorie goal and bought a treadmill. When I first got it I found 2mph hard on no incline and now I can do 3mphs on a two incline.. But the belly is still a huge problem.. I bought a JM 30 day shred last night and tried it today on level one and could not even get half way through it. I have no co_ordination at all. Jumping jacks were difficult and I can not even do one push up, not even following the one that is doing the simple moves. My heart was really racing, and it does not do that when I get off the tread mill after 60 minutes of walking. Legs are like bowls of jelly now.. Will this ever become easier to follow? or should I just stick to the walking? Is it even possible to get a flatter stomach at my age?
    I cannot do that either and I am 43:) So what? I am doing something else - walks, eliptical , some weights. .
    A few days ago I went to gym and there was this lady in her 70"s ....coudn't keep up with her , ..well , as long as I follow my journey ,it is ok:)
  • soniams
    soniams Posts: 95 Member
    How about starting a bit more easy on the exercise? Just try walking through your neighborhood or in a nearby park. I am 50 and was never an exerciser either. But I do like to walk. So last July, I started by going up one block and back. A few days later, 2 blocks. Now I walk 3-4 miles each day. I also just bought a bike and am riding 10-15 miles on weekends.

    I see my exercise goal as directed to gaining fitness. My focus is do to activities I will enjoy and keep doing for the remainder of my life. Though I know I should do weight lifting, I know I won't keep it up, so I have decided not to.

    What motivated me to start losing weight ang getting fit was wanting to maintain my independence as I get older. You can do this! Think about as this as taking control of your life.

    Best wishes.
  • Lindy222
    Lindy222 Posts: 9
    Aw - I know its tough - and you want to see a bit of progress quickly - and its not happening ..... am sorry.

    I am in the UK - so this might not help too much - I am 65 - and use Rosemary Connelly for exercise - they are gentle - graded but do the job. I found they certainly toned me up but also - so helped my flexibility enormously -

    Might I suggest you find something similar - start easy - and gently - you will soon notice the difference - which will give you enthusiasm to keep going.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you've led a sedantary life you really should consult your doctor for an exercise plan. You may have some bone loss and should be careful to work up to jumping exercises like jumping jacks slowly to prevent a break. Walking is great exercise and it sounds like you've already increased your fitness level with that. You might try marching in place or lifting one knee to connect with the opposite elbow to strengthen and flatten your stomach. Your abdominal muscles are used to raise and lower your knee as much as your leg muscles are. Just don't give up!
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    Everyone's definition of "in shape" is different, so you need to know what your goals are. I agree that you should have a complete physical (I don't care what age you are, everyone should before they start an exercise program) to rule out any issues that could be life threatening, but frankly being overweight is life threatening in itself. I imagine every doctor would be thrilled that a patient wants to lose weight & get into better physical condition. Sounds like you are starting out right - on the treadmill, you've gone from 2 mph no incline to 3 mph 2 incline. That's great progress already. As long as you continue to increase your activity level slowly & steadily, you should be fine. I am 48, but I know what great satisfaction I got when starting a DVD - the first few times I could hardly do the moves let alone keep up with the pace, but after several months, the DVD is getting easier & I'm doing most all the moves. I can feel myself getting stronger, fitter and even more coordinated. I personally love to read stories like the 85 year old marathon runner or the 82 year old woman with the flexibility of a 15 year old. As someone else here mentioned, the Biggest Loser has 50+-ers who have not only competed, but done extremely well on the show. Granted they have trainers, doctors, nutritionists, etc., that most of us do not have access to, but I still believe that we can get there - just a lot slower! Remember the old fable, the turtle won the race by remaining steady. You are doing great!
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    You absolutely can get into shape at any age as long as two things happen:
    1. You don't give up on yourself.
    2. Your doctor approves of your diet/workout plan.

    New workouts are tough, tough, tough! In time you will be able to do more and more of the video, don't be discouraged when you
    can't do it all right away or it isn't as easy as your treadmill but you're using muscles in a new way so that is to be expected.

    I tend to stick with running because coordination is something I was not blessed with (it seems like a cruel joke that my middle name is Grace). I find that I am more likely to stick with a new type of workout if I go to an actual glass with a friend that knows how much of a klutz I am....at least that way there are two of us laughing at my "delicate moves". :)

    Keep up the good work!
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Yes, it *IS* possible, and you can do it! If you need some inspiration, there are a lot of videos on youtube about people over 50 who have taken up fitness. There are weight lifters, runners, boxers, dancers, etc. Ernestine Sheperd is one of my favorites. She's a GORGEOUS female body builder who didn't even start exercising until she was in her 50's. http://ernestineshepherd.net/
  • barbiegirluk
    barbiegirluk Posts: 30 Member
    I am doing 30 day shred, and it is definitely very very hard! And I am going to be 30 soon and weigh 165!

    So please don't beat yourself about it, go at your own pace and slowly build up stamina and techniques. To have this zeal to change life at your age is admirable and hats off to you for that! You have given me more boost!

    Take care, take it slowly but steadily!
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    I thank you all for the kind words and suggestions. That is what is great about this site, when you are feeling doubtful about going on there is always someone here to boost you up and carry you over that wave of hopelessness. I am now renewed once again and will try it again tomorrow. So what if it take me 6 months to do the level one. I still have 30 or40 more lbs to lose and that will take more than that to lose.. so upwards and onwards I go... Thanks you so very much...
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