June Challenge - Closed Group



  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hope you don't mind me jumping back in this month after a couple of months absence. I'm back to actively loosing and i reset my ticker to reflect that. Before when I looked at it and saw 20 something lbs lost I didn't feel the motivation to stick to it because the ticker looked good, but now I'm desperate for my ticker to be moving down again! Doing good so far but hoping that this challenge will keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Goal Weight for July 1st: 156
    June 1st (starting weight): 160.4
    June 8th:
    June 15th:
    June 22nd:
    June 29th:
    July 1st:
  • curlyelm
    curlyelm Posts: 73
    I'm in guys

    Goal Weight for July 1st: 212
    June 1st (starting weight):218
    June 8th:
    June 15th:
    June 22nd:
    June 29th:
    July 1st:
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    If this is a closed group does that mean I can't join? I've had a terrible 6 weeks of eating terribly and have gained almost a whole stone and I'm really struggling to get my eating under control, so it'd be great if I could join? Shame me into getting my rear into gear!

    Hey hunny,

    The reason the group is closed is because I know all these peeps, they have been my friends for a while now and these are the members I know are didicated and come back week after week. If you think you have what it takes to return each week then dont hesitate send me a friends request so I can keep track of u hehe! and mention in the request the challenge! Then you are more than welcome to join :) xxx
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    also maybe we could set weekly challenges what ydo you think???

    To aim to burn a certaina moutn of calories one week?? Drink a certain amount of water one week? etc bit of motviation on a daily basis?!?!?!?!?

    Im all up for the motivations but Im not sure what people would think of these? There are loads of other challenges people are involved in and thats why I just like to keep this one a simple weigh in! We can see what people think!

    Can everyone either post on here or email me with there input please?

    jeananne xxx
  • healthysr
    healthysr Posts: 5
    I just joined on 5/30 but would love to be connected to a group holding me accountable for what I eat. :wink:
  • caretmier
    caretmier Posts: 66
    Hi all! I am excited to join this challenge! I am coming over from a BL challenge that kind of fell apart. Just blew it this weekend on my diet and exercise so I will weigh in tomorrow morning to get a lower starting weight :)!!! My goal for this month is going to be a set pretty high because I want to really challenge myself! I need to have a GREAT month to bounce back from this weekend.

    Goal Weight for July 1st: 179
    June 1st (starting weight):
    June 8th:
    June 15th:
    June 22nd:
    June 29th:
    July 1st:
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    I'm in Goal Weight: 180

    Will post starting weight tomorrow
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks again Pink for coordinating this challenge!

    Since I weigh in on Friday's I have adjusted the dates for myself so I don't get messed up.

    Goal Weight for July 1st: 127
    June 1st (May 27th) (starting weight): 130.8
    June 8th (3rd):
    June 15th (10th):
    June 22nd (17th):
    June 29th (24th):
    July 1st (July 1st):
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in again. Hopefully I can do better this month. Thanks PInk for coordinating agian. I"ll send my weight and goal weight tomorrow.
  • mcewan07
    mcewan07 Posts: 38 Member
    i cant wait for this month - although for this month and next month they will be more of a maintenance perios, as i will not be able to lose weight till after my wedding now.
    I will post all my information tomorrow
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    I'm in again :happy:

    I'll post my goals for June once I get a chance to weigh in! Good luck everyone!
  • tlrunyon
    tlrunyon Posts: 127
    I'm in!!!! My goal is basically to lose a little over 1lb a week. It hasn't been that much in the past, so maybe this is exactly what I need! Thanks for starting the challenge!:flowerforyou:

    Goal Weight for July 1st: 128.0
    June 1st (starting weight): 134.4
    June 8th:
    June 15th:
    June 22nd:
    June 29th:
    July 1st:
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    May was a lousy month for me but in June I am going to conquer
    May 31st 188
    June 1st 188
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am also back in for this month. I will check my weight tomorrow morning but I don't expect it to change to much since Sunday. June will be a tough month for me especially the first week- I will be celebrating all next weekend, then school will end so I need to adjust my normal routine.

    Starting weight: 228.8
    Goal weight: 220
    June 1-
    June 8
    June 15
    June 22
    june 29

    I don't mind adding a few other things into the challenge but it needs to stay simple. I would like to see us focus on our accomplishments in doing new exercises or activities. For example- this month I want to jump rope for 3 minutes at one time. This is something that I have not done in an extremely long time. Does this make sense?
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I'll be back for the weigh-in tomorrow! I need to do a much better job this month. I don't think I'll end up even making it halfway to May's goal so it is time to buckle down for June. In particular because I just invited a bunch of friends to go to the water park for my birthday at the end of the month thinking this would be a much healthier and more active way to spend the day than going out eating and drinking...bikini panic has begun!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    You know I'm in girlie!!!
    Goal weight for July 1st - 140.0lbs
    Current weight - 153.6
    June 1 -
    June 8 -
    June 15 -
    June 22 -
    June 20 -
    I'm ready so good luck y'all, yay!!:tongue:
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Goal Weight for July 1st: 126lbs
    June 1st (starting weight): 129
    June 8th:
    June 15th:
    June 22nd:
    June 29th:
    July 1st:
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    Back for more and even more motivated after pulling May round in the last 10 days? :wink:

    Goal Weight for July 1st: 175.0 lbs which is also my final target 12.5 stone will be fine for me and then just got to maintain and tone up?
    I am going to Budapest at the weekend for a 5-day break so it's gonna be tough?

    June 1st (starting weight): 179.2 lbs
    June 8th:
    June 15th:
    June 22nd:
    June 29th:
    July 1st

    Thanks again PP for keeping us all motivated with your challenges!
  • kerenvaknin
    kerenvaknin Posts: 169 Member
    So in the past month I've been trying to figure out how many pounds can I lose in 1 week. The results are: 1.7 lbs.
    Hope my calculations will work :P

    Goal Weight for July 1st: 125

    June 1st (starting weight): 132
    June 8th:
    June 15th:
    June 22nd:
    June 29th:
    July 1st:
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Goal Weight for July 1st: 130
    June 1st (starting weight): 131.4
    June 8th (My birthday):
    June 15th:
    June 22nd (After weekend away):
    June 29th:
    July 1st:

    Lost 2.4 in May.....Same again in June will get me just under goal....

    Am away for long weekend in June.......hopefully I'd have reached goal by then & be on maintenance.

    Sue :smile: x