MEN and WOMEN: Lose 10lbs in June 2011 Challenge



  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    How's everyone doing so far this week? I biked 6 miles and did 30 pushups before I went to work this morning. Feeling pretty good. Hope everyone is doing well!!!

    Great job! and before work even!

    I had a few run-ins with chocolate-cherry-coconut smoothies these past 2 days that set me back a bit in water weight but I'm back on track today.
    I have to keep my servings of fruit unadulterated ... fresh only. Otherwise, I want to binge on the smoothies because they are so damn delicious. :blushing:
    Got on the treadmill today for some steady state cardio ... my favourite. 60 minutes with the tunes cranked up.

    Hope everyone is doing well, too!
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    You just post to the group sweetie and I will add it to the datebase
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    How's everyone doing so far this week? I biked 6 miles and did 30 pushups before I went to work this morning. Feeling pretty good. Hope everyone is doing well!!!

    Great job! and before work even!

    I had a few run-ins with chocolate-cherry-coconut smoothies these past 2 days that set me back a bit in water weight but I'm back on track today.
    I have to keep my servings of fruit unadulterated ... fresh only. Otherwise, I want to binge on the smoothies because they are so damn delicious. :blushing:
    Got on the treadmill today for some steady state cardio ... my favourite. 60 minutes with the tunes cranked up.

    Hope everyone is doing well, too!

    Yeah - yesterday was my day off from working out (decided it was a good off day since i work 11 hours on Saturdays), so I figured it would be good to get out this morning.get my butt moving! Tomorrow I'll be walking since I'll be on daddy duty with my daughter during the day. Smoothies sound good, need to have something you like every now and again. Good job getting back on track though!
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    I think Week 1 is NEXT week....

    What about those charts? Are we not using them anymore? They looked great!

    You are probably right. I just read that we were supposed to post our weights by Friday...but it probably starts next week.

    Since we just officially started this week on the challenge. The first weeks weigh in is Next week.
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    Alright everyone we have a big group here. We are up to 97 participants here. I have the database done but having a time figuring out how to paste it here and it keep its formatting.
  • orojen
    orojen Posts: 4
    I'm IN! I actually started my new workout regimen this week. I'm so happy I'm not alone!

    Now, people will look at my weight and think I am crazy for wanting to lose 10lbs, but I am a shorty (4'10"), so this is not about the weight, it's about my training at them gym and losing body fat, so I feel confident in a bikini. I lost about 20 lbs on my own 3 years ago, but since then I've been stuck in this weight.. I work out hard, but my eating is still bad. Using this site helps me keep it in check, but I haven't made the effort to be REALLY fit! So here I go!

    SW for June WL Challenge - June 5th- 115 lbs (BMI: 24.0)
    GW: 105 lbs (BMI: 21.9)
    Week 1 - Jun 8 -
    Week 2 - Jun 15 -
    Week 3 - Jun 22 -
    Week 4 - Jun 29 -
    Total Lost -
  • sweena23
    sweena23 Posts: 14
    SW - 234.6 lbs
    Week 1 - xxx lbs
    Week 2 - xxx lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs
    Total lost - xx lbs

    I'd LOVE to lose 10...we can do it!
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I'm doing it for June. I have great success.
    July 2010 289
    May 31 2011 230

    Week:1 229 6-5-2011
    Total Lost :
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Alright everyone we have a big group here. We are up to 97 participants here. I have the database done but having a time figuring out how to paste it here and it keep its formatting.

    Copy and paste it into Paint. Then save it as an image and upload it to photobucket or something like that.:flowerforyou: Just make sure it's only 580pixels wide or less or it will cut off the right side when posted here.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Alright everyone we have a big group here. We are up to 97 participants here. I have the database done but having a time figuring out how to paste it here and it keep its formatting.

    You can possibly make it a Google Doc then just post the link.

    I can't wait to weight in tomorrow, I took a peak on Friday and I was very happy.
  • I'm a week late, but I REALLY want to do this! I only have 10lbs to my goal weight but can't seem to find the motivation which upsets me and causes me to eat more and gain it back!! Its a vicious cycle and I hope being a part of this June Group helps!!!

    I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning and use that for my SW and 1st week weight. Let's do this!!!
  • scfanning
    scfanning Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!

    SW - 160 lbs
    Week 1 - xxx lbs
    Week 2 - xxx lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs
    Total lost - xx lbs
  • PMWiggi
    PMWiggi Posts: 18 Member
    I'm hoping this challenge will lift my spirits! I'm struggling to lose 18 lbs but I'd settle for 10 in a heart beat! Primarily, I want to get down to a healthy BMI.

    Height: 5' 8"
    SW: 175 lbs
    CW: 172 lbs
    GW: 157 lbs
    Current BMI: 26.1

    Lawd help me cuz nothing else has!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Hey everyone, feel free to add me as a friend! I would love to read what everyone is doing day to day! =)
  • dltang
    dltang Posts: 58 Member
    Google doc is an easy way to keep it and it is public, just post the link and everyone can enter their own weigh in weights too. It will save you a lot of work.
  • nskerr
    nskerr Posts: 91
    I have struggled. I have kept up my exercise routine but had a large Memorial Day weekend of eating and drinking followed by cupcakes and more junk this weekend for my birthday. I normally weigh in on Saturday's so checking on Wednesday will be interesting. At best it will be a minimal loss but I wouldn;t be shocked if I have stayed even or possibly ticked up. We shall see. It is frustratrating because I am down 105 and need 22 but my pace has slowed since the beginning of May and what I thought would be mission accomplished in July or Aug may linger through the summer.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    SW - 223 lbs
    Week 1 - 218 lbs
    Week 2 - xxx lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs
    Total lost - 5 lbs
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    I had a rough weekend as well.....(which I normally do) but I included lots of ball watching (hubby has a tourny) with lots of beer, and lots of greasy foods. I think i was reasonable in my portions, but wednesday will be make or break day! I generally lose my weight during weekdays and maintain on weekends, so lets hope that reigns true for this week as well!
  • SW - 158 lbs
    Week 1 - 158 lbs
    Week 2 - xxx lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs
    Total lost - 0 lbs
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 357 Member
    I just did my run for the morning and i felt pretty amazing, considering that i wasn't a runner a couple of months ago, thank you C25K, awesome program by the way.

    I feel that this might be the month that I shed these bothersome 10lbs...stupid 10lbs.....i'll beat you yet.

    Question, 1. The challenge I thought started wed 6/1 so isn't our next weigh-in this wednesday?
    2. Who and where do we send the info too?
    3. Do we put our wieghts here or send it as a DM?
    Thanks in advance.

    Happy Monday everyone and make today a great day.
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