Ready to make a change!

A few weeks ago I went to the doctor, stepped on the scale, looked at the number the nurse was writing down, and was shocked to see 224.6 lbs staring back at me. I knew that over the last few years I had been gaining weight but I just couldn't believe it had gotten so out of hand. I had avoided weighing myself since my last check up, and really I have avoided weighing myself outside of the doctors office for as long as I can remember. Those numbers never matched up with how I wanted to see myself. I avoided pictures of myself for the same reason. I just wanted to see the pretty girl I KNOW I can be staring back at me.

I know I am overweight (obese, technically.) I have known for years that I have needed to lose weight. I have been unhappy and even highly anxious about my appearance and weight since middle school. I would get focused and try to diet and limit what I ate... for a while. Then I would always seem to lose track of it and not hold myself accountable.

Not this time.

I graduated from University in mid-May, so aside from a part time job (currently looking for a full time or a second part time job) and looking into graduate schools, my schedule is free and clear for the first time in as long as I can remember. There has been no better time for me to focus on getting my life in order. I bought a scale the day after my doctors appointment as a first step towards making a commitment to myself. By watching what I eat, and slowing starting to exercise more, I have gotten myself down to 216.2 lbs (as of this morning).

My first goal is to be 195 lbs by my birthday (near the end of August).
Next goal is to weigh 175 lbs by New Years Eve.
Ultimate goal is to weigh 155-160 lbs.

I know my first 2 goals are pretty lofty, but you have to shoot for the stars!

Now I just need a good support system.

My boyfriend has been a godsend in my life, but he doesn't struggle with his weight in the same way that I do. He is doing all he can do support me in my efforts to transform myself, but I could really use people to talk to who are currently facing the same challenges as I am, and for this I have turned to MFP.

Feel free to add me!


  • MyJourney11
    MyJourney11 Posts: 97
    This is a great place to come for support. The people are amazing!!! I'll send you a friend request :flowerforyou: