BMR rate less than my recommended total amount

ShanIsRad Posts: 31
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
According to the BMR calculator, my BMR is 1,517 calories/day, but on this site, my recommended daily total in order to lose 1lb a week is 1,400. Is it supposed to be like that? It seems kind of off to me.


  • According to the BMR calculator, my BMR is 1,517 calories/day, but on this site, my recommended daily total in order to lose 1lb a week is 1,400. Is it supposed to be like that? It seems kind of off to me.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Your BMR is what it would take to maintain your CURRENT weight if you were basically in a coma. So, to lose weight, you have to be under your BMR, else you will maintain or gain. Does that help?
  • Yes, it helps, thank you!!! :bigsmile: I was never good at science, or math, lol.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    In addition, MFP uses a well-known formula (can't think of the name) to take your BMR, factor in your selected daily activity level, and then come up with another figure that some call RMR. That is how many calories a day it will take to maintain your weight at your current daily activity level.

    The deficit it sets for you is then based upon that.

    Because there is already a built-in deficit set by MFP, it is vital that you eat your exercise calories, so as to avoid eating too few calories a day.
  • shkaki
    shkaki Posts: 234 Member
    yep, harris-benedict formula :wink:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    yep, harris-benedict formula :wink:

    Yep, I think that's the one. Thanks!
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