Those darn Memorial day cookouts...

Admit it. You ate that hotdog... and that cheeseburger... and drank Coke instead of water...

I know I did.

In fact this weekend was a double whammy. A b-day party on Sunday....way too much booze and junk food and then a cookout last night. The b-day party was so bad, I have no clue how to catorgorize what I ate/drank. I just faked a number on my calender just to have something on there.

If you host a cookout you can add some healthy items but I was an attendee. I brought sliced fruit and some low-cal fruit dip. It was a hit. Cool fruit to nibble on while the main course was grilling. But I broke and ate a hotdog and a cheeseburger. And washed it down with Coke. Only one though. I switched to water. At least I had that much will power... lol.

Now that the festivities are out of the way, maybe I can stick to the plan a little better for the next few weeks...


  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    HAHAHA it happens so don't worry. As long as you get back on track that is what matters!
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    Believe me, this week was a horrible Memorial Week fail. Three cook outs since Thursday. It wasn't the coke. It was the beer, and the pie, and all of those kebabs. Mm, kebabs. Granted as a vegetarian I was able to stick to vegetables, but I still put on 5 pounds this week between the drinking and eating. It was horrible.
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    I totally failed!!!!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    My downfall wasn't the burger and chicken sausage I ate. I feel like I cancelled that out with tons of veggies, LOL. It was the 2 s'mores I didn't turn down last night. They were heavenly, but I know they'll show up on my *kitten* in a few days. Damn their melty goodness!
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    Same thing here! Ate and drank horrible. Back on track today though :)

    Went deep sea fishing for the first time this weekend so while we were trolling a "few" beers were Caught a 24 lb. dolphin, 14 lb bonita (released) and 9 lb barracuda (released). The dolphin tasted soo good!!
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    It's a good thing that every day is an opportunity to start again. :)

    I went to a restaurant yesterday. That's always my downfall. I only ate half the yummy grilled veggie wrap, but all the french fries. And a peach martini. By the time I got home and added it up I had about 50 calories left for the day. If I wanted dinner, I had to work for it! That's what I really like about this site, it makes that clear. So, I put in a good 45-min cardio and I could have some dinner and a gin 'n tonic, too, guilt-free.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Yup - I ran for 50 minutes last night to try and just save part of the day. :D

    Let's talk about the 1/4 pound hot dog with chili sauce, chips and an ear of corn!

    Or the scratch-made cinnamon pecan rolls my sister made on Sunday Morning. NOM!
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone!
    I had a birthday party Friday, BBQs Saturday and Monday and the Mets/Phillies game on Sunday.
    That equals, cheesburgers, hot dog, beers, corn on the cob.

    To reverse it I'm going to two zumba classes this week (one is a fundraiser) on top of my other exercise.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    Same here, headed to the shore....crabs, hushpuppies, beer, fried pickles, margaritas, popcorn shrimp, nachos, lava cake, ice cream....

    Thankfully, I got in extra long workouts (900-1200 calorie burns) everyday but Monday (dadgum gym closed early!)

    I could easily "not lose" a pound this week, but I am back tearing it up at the gym and zigging my calorie intake this week to compensate for the weekend zagging. I may not lose as much as I would have otherwise, but I refuse to gain.

    Hmmm....tuna....snowpeas....greek are my friends.
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    Someone posted in another thread - and teh sentiment fits perfectly here. MFP resets to zero at midnight. Yeah, yesterday's goal wasn't met. But it's today now, and MFP has a new budget of calories for today and I'm going to do it.

    Kristen who enjoyed bratwurst, creamed bourbon applesauce, and my nemesis. Potato chips. I was pretty good with portion control, so I don't think I did too much damage, but I was definitely not "within spec."
  • getxsleazyy
    getxsleazyy Posts: 20
    whenever i feel like eating total crap, i just think, what's going to satisfy me more? the 20-odd minutes i'm eating this food, or later when i FINALLY have got the body i want?
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I made it through a movie Friday night, and 2 graduations on Saturday.

    Then Sunday came...and some friends and I got together for lunch. Then it was cards and beers. Supper became snacks. Oh, and some more beers.

    It happens. Life has holidays and cookouts! Every day does not.

    Monday am I was retaining fluids like bad I refused to weigh in because I know I was way off from what I've been weighing. And then I got right back on that treadmill!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I enjoyed two burgers (one without the bun), steamed shrimp, corn on the cob, one coke, and a beer. I also has a scoop of ice cream with fudge and whip cream. Do I regret it? Not at all. It's not like I do it everyday. I actually didnt even log everything yesterday I refuse to get depressed about one day

    I did get some cardio in yesterday so it's all good :glasses:
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I guess I don't feel super guilty. I did indulge, but it's the first time in nearly 6 months. Today I got right back on track. I don't think I could do this long term (aka the rest of my life) if I didn't allow a 'freebie day or two' once in awhile.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    In all honest I maintained pretty well. I had a hot dog, but added veggies and fruit with it. I had a couple of drinks but opted for the lower cal versions.
    However, my downfall was when I decided to have not one, but two chocolate fudge brownies! 340 calories of completely nothing! :grumble:
    Except they were delicious and yummy and damn they were GOOD!!! :tongue:
    However, all is good because today is a new day and I am on target and ready to go!!! :happy:
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I guess I don't feel super guilty. I did indulge, but it's the first time in nearly 6 months. Today I got right back on track. I don't think I could do this long term (aka the rest of my life) if I didn't allow a 'freebie day or two' once in awhile.

    ^ This! I ate bad. I logged it. I exercised to burn some of it. I ejoyed every single bite I put in my mouth, and I know that in the long term, one or two bad days WILL not kill me. Now, when I was eating like that every day - different story entirely! :D