New pal here!

zassgirl Posts: 5 Member
Hello all.... In January i gave myself a goal. to lose 10 pounds before summer. Im happy to say that i reached that. I set goals for myself along the way, fitting in to a size smaller jeans, running a mile faster and faster each week, and so on. I started using myfitness pal when i had 2 pounds left to lose for extra motivation. I follow the calorie and nutrition guide and go over my exercize thats recommended but im not seeing the results that this site is saying i could get. Im working out a mix of running and zumba for about 9 hours a week (on saturdays i work out for about hours in the morning). Ive even increase my calories bc i do burn so much during the week, but nothing over board or crazy. Still not seeing anything change. Suggestions for me? I am also 5'2' and weight 131.4. Idealy id like to weigh 129. :smooched:


  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    Great job! Keep up the good work. Feel free to add me.