Need to lose over 100 lbs???



  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ive lost 44lb and still have 90-95 to go.. Anyone feel free to add me and we can support eachother :)
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    I need to loose way over a 100 but I'm with ya!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Not far in to the 230 pounds I want to lose. You or anyone else is welcome to add me.
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I have at least 160 more to loose. I am only down 12 pounds in the last month since I started. Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • Jamie_Schwartz
    I've got about 149 to lose myself. I'm making better food choices and some days I'm motivated to get on my treadmill and exercise. Other's it's just not there. I need all the encouragement I can find! The holiday weekend was horrible for me and some of the others at work who are also dieting too. I definitely need to plan better over the 4th of July weekend.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Worldchanger
    Just beginning the journey (again) I need to lose 118 lbs. When I quit smoking 12+ years ago I learned a lesson that has helped me to become a much stronger person. Never give up trying to give up! No matter how impossible or hard it appears to be. It took me 12 years from the time I really decided I wanted to quit smoking to do it but I have been free from it for a little over 12 years now! Now it is my weight to contend with. I have learned within the past year that I self sabotage and I've had a self hatred, no wonder I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror! With the help of a free .pdf download fro Zig Ziglar I started doing affirmations and it has significanlty increased how I feel about myself and in turn how I am getting along better with others. I really believe I can do this now with the support of everyone here. I'm so happy I found this site. Thank you.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    I'm on my way! My problem is that starting this wknd I will be working 12 hour shifts, leaving little time to prepare and eat before trying to get in 8 hours of sleep. I wll also have to bring food to get me through those long shifts. Helpful advice anyone? Please feel free to add as friend.