Need to drop 50 pounds.... geez how did that happen?

Jhosetta Posts: 7 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Good day all,

Today is my very first day using the site. I am currently 190 pounds with a goal weight of 140. I was prescribed Phentermine 37.5 MG by my doctor today to aid in my weight lost. I have never taken a diet supplement before so I'm a little nervous about it. Have any of you ever turned to weight control pills or shots? What are your experiances.

I am excitted to start this new journey and look forward to taking this journey with you!


  • AdGalicia
    AdGalicia Posts: 84 Member
    Hi and welcome, to answer your question no i have never taken any diet supplements to loose weight. I am trying to do this the old fashion way with healthy eating habits and exercise. So far i have lost 12 lbs, feel free to add me! Good luck on your weight loss journey:smile:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've tried different supplements, but I've found good old fashioned watch what I eat, eat in moderation and exercise is the key to weight loss for me. :)

    BTW, I should add -- At my heaviest, I was 203lbs and am now right around 146lbs. So, you CAN do it!! :)
  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    I want to get down to 140-150#s. Current weight is 193. Would really like to drop 50-75#s. Please feel free to add me as a friend. The more encouragement/support the better. Anybody reading this post may add me as a friend as well. The more you move, the more you lose.
  • MMiles96
    MMiles96 Posts: 21 Member
    Good day all,

    Today is my very first day using the site. I am currently 190 pounds with a goal weight of 140. I was prescribed Phentermine 37.5 MG by my doctor today to aid in my weight lost.

    Be careful with that, I was on it for a while and as soon as I got off I didn't change my eating or exercise but i gained back everything and then some, I am surprised they started you out with a high dose like they did. They usually start out with 10 or 15 mg (or they did me and a friend of mine too)

    Good luck, Feel free to friend me I am working on loosing almost 150 lbs on my own... MFP is a great support avenue.
  • Justin741
    Justin741 Posts: 249 Member
    Doctors should prescribe
  • Like you my goal is to drop to around 140-145. The weight creeps up on you. Good luck on your weight loss! I am going to request you as a friend.:flowerforyou:
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