


  • OttawaJeannie
    OttawaJeannie Posts: 206
    I just eat them on the side of whatever my meal is. I have never heard of people cooking them.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    so you dont need to cook it first?
    Nope, it's a fruit. no need.
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Experimented last night and made Avocado Chicken Pasta, was great!

    -Whole wheat pasta
    -shredded chicken breast (I usually do it crock pot style with cumin and some hot peppers for flavor, but only use the chicken, not the peppers in the actual dish)
    -Cup of guacamole
    -1/3 minced fresh onion
    -1 minced jalapeno (or more)
    -Mexican cheese to lightly top it all

    Basically, cook the pasta and chicken. I let them cool to room temp and then add in the rest of the ingredients and serve. I ate mine late, so it was chilled slightly and delicious! I think it ended up being around 450 calories a serving, but I'm sure things can be tweaked, like I used pre-made guac and I'm sure it would help if that was fresh. Also, maybe swap out for low-fat cheese, although the cheese was just for a garnish, so it was minimal.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I LOVE avocados. I eat them as guacamole, on sandwiches, by themselves, on crackers with laughing cow light cheese, on a slice of toast with my eggs.
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    I love avocado on anything. . .tuna sandwich, BLT, tacos, taco soup, tortilla soup, mashed and spread on a corn tortilla, in guacamole. I also make a "salad" with cubes of ripe cantalope, fresh pineapple, and diced avacado. I use poppy seed dressing. It sounds strange, I know, but is absolutely delicious. I also have a recipe for avocado bread that is fantastic if you'd like it.