The most nastiest food you ate over the weekend...Memorial E

JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
Hello people,

This weekend I am sure we all attending some festivities. I know I did, I did not eat any food from parties or have any drinks but I did watch other people consume like no other.

The worst thing I saw was the MEAT Burger my friend makes every year. He cooks up ground beef, ground sausage, hot dog, american cheese blocks, avacado and then makes it into 1lb meat patties, grills them then proceeds to cover it in more cheese.

He makes about 40 of these. I watched as my friends each had one and then some had his cliassic BROWNIE Burst. Which is a brownie that he makes precooks them on 2 brownie trays(12 square cubes, scoops out a good portion of the middle to leave a ditch so to speak, fills the middle with vanilla ice cream, drops the top half on to the bottom to in case each scoop of ice cream in brownie. Then he puts them on a kabob stick Freezes them. Upon pulling them out he takes a cooking torch to it then you eat it off the stick. Warm on the outside, semi warm on the inside.

Please add to the crazy foods you have seen eaten or made!!!


  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    I ate deep fried asapargus...with ranch...oh so sinful and yummy!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    This wasn't over Memorial Day and I've never tried it, but my husband has a friend who cooks garlic burgers and uses two grilled cheese sandwiches for the buns, lol. A grilled cheese on top and one on bottom. It makes my stomach hurt thinking about it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    A Thai peanut entree from a Thai place. I ordered a side of rice and this Thai peanut thing and it just tasted like chicken drowned in crunchy peanut butter. I ate like 4 bites & they made me still pay for it so I tried to wipe off the PB on my napkin and just eat the chicken but ew. I should have stopped after bite one but I was waiting on my next round of sushi and sooo hungry. Bleh. Bad decision.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Oh boy, I had beer, chips and salsa, and the worst thing I ate was cheesecake. But I enjoyed every minute of it.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    a brownie that he makes precooks them on 2 brownie trays(12 square cubes, scoops out a good portion of the middle to leave a ditch so to speak, fills the middle with vanilla ice cream, drops the top half on to the bottom to in case each scoop of ice cream in brownie. Then he puts them on a kabob stick Freezes them. Upon pulling them out he takes a cooking torch to it then you eat it off the stick. Warm on the outside, semi warm on the inside.
    :love: want!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Luckily, I didn't go out to any cook-outs or anything. Not like I would eat much even if I did though, since I'm a vegetarian. So the worst thing I had this weekend was pizza, since I was in NYC staying with my boyfriend for the weekend. I had pizza twice, but luckily only 1 slice each time. :smile:
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    Hello people,

    This weekend I am sure we all attending some festivities. I know I did, I did not eat any food from parties or have any drinks but I did watch other people consume like no other.

    The worst thing I saw was the MEAT Burger my friend makes every year. He cooks up ground beef, ground sausage, hot dog, american cheese blocks, avacado and then makes it into 1lb meat patties, grills them then proceeds to cover it in more cheese.

    He makes about 40 of these. I watched as my friends each had one and then some had his cliassic BROWNIE Burst. Which is a brownie that he makes precooks them on 2 brownie trays(12 square cubes, scoops out a good portion of the middle to leave a ditch so to speak, fills the middle with vanilla ice cream, drops the top half on to the bottom to in case each scoop of ice cream in brownie. Then he puts them on a kabob stick Freezes them. Upon pulling them out he takes a cooking torch to it then you eat it off the stick. Warm on the outside, semi warm on the inside.

    Please add to the crazy foods you have seen eaten or made!!!

    The meat Patty sounds gross.. But that brownie Creation Sounds stinkin' AMAZING.. But Im a chocoholic... I read it, and was like dude... You so should have totally dipped it in melted chocolate.. Yeah its bad.... On the plus side I didn't eat one... I was actually pretty good this memorial day.. did have a small serving of mint chocolate chip ice cream though ;)
  • biwinner
    biwinner Posts: 18
    Deep fried mars bars! (Not over memorial, but seen a few people eat these). Must be about 1500 calories for each one! :O
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    We were served a German potato salad which were were told contained 2 pounds of bacon.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I had about 2 handles of jack daniel's, half a pizza, probably 3 lbs in hot wings, several burgers, LOTS of kielbasa.... i blacked out and probably ate some more
  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member
    I didn't eat ANY NASTY FOOD over the weekend. Just a little too much good food apparently........ =(
  • robston
    robston Posts: 67 Member
    Okay, I tried to be good, and did well overall, but I did have a HUGE Rib Eye steak last night..we had to BBQ since it was the Holiday, and they were on sale and looked DIVINE..and it was, DIVINE that is..but we did a great job portioning it out and we have enough left for another meal..
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I did well! I haven't had one, but I did hear there were krispy cream doughnut's for buns, cheese burgers, at the WI State Fair last year.
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    I didn't go to a cookout so I didn't see anything weird, but I went to a restaurant for lunch with friends. Eating out is so hard. I had a yummy roasted veggie wrap. Ok, not too bad. And fries. And a peach martini. But I logged it, then had to work out before I could have enough calories for dinner. :)
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    This wasn't over Memorial Day and I've never tried it, but my husband has a friend who cooks garlic burgers and uses two grilled cheese sandwiches for the buns, lol. A grilled cheese on top and one on bottom. It makes my stomach hurt thinking about it.

    OH MY!
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I had the most delicious food over the weekend. Nothing nasty about it! I had ribs on Saturday and a cheeseburger last night. Small portions make it fit in the calories and as long as I don't have these things everyday it's all good.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I didn't eat any nasty foods, but the yummiest foods I ate over the weekend include (it's a long list):

    1. Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets & sweet potato fries with Chick-fil-a sauce.
    2. Starbucks Java Chip Frapp ice cream.
    3. Margaritas, burgers, BBQ chips, potato salad, and baked beans.
    4. Chocolate-dipped (completely covered, rather) fruit.
    5. Red amp. Love those things.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    This is what comes to mind:
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Well it was 3 slices of deepdish pizza from Giordanos!!........along with beer.........I know I messed up BUT it was a special occasion........
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    half a bag of doritos?? ew just so so wrong :(