Extreme Makeover Weight loss edition has me alittle freaked



  • DropsOJupiter
    DropsOJupiter Posts: 131
    I think each person is different regards age and previous health history and ultimately it will have to be a personal decision.

    I, too, watched this program. I will be right upfront that yes I will be having the skin removal surgery. I started my journey at age 53 and despite drinking a LOT of water per day and including strength training, I have loose skin basically everywhere on my body. I will definitely have my tummy done and will also have my upper arms done. The rest I can deal with as I am not thrilled with any surgery and wanted to get healthy without use of surgery. I do know that a gal at the fitness center I go to has lost 165 pounds and is in the process of consulting with plastic surgeons. In the program last night, the doc stated that the excess skin can prohibit further weight loss and that has been echoed by the consultations she's had so far. However, the gal last night lost 3 pounds in the last 3 months, working out but not eating correctly. I thought that presented the message of "well, it's okay if you didn't meet your goal TWICE...surgery it is!"
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I scared myself out of my last diet attempt after watching a show about fat people with extra skin... I was disgusted.. and thought id rather be fat then tons of extra skin... and never dieted again since. Now my frame of mind is different.

    I know 2 people personally that have lost a ton of weight (over 100pounds; one about 150 and the other about 200+), and both have extra skin... However, both went through gastric bypass surgery to loose their weight... Which needless to say was losing weight very quickly.

    My biggest weight ever was 325 (Started here at 313, now 279). Honestly, im scared to death of extra skin... but ive come to the realization that I need to worry about it when the time comes, and not worry about it until then, because it might not ever happen.

    Weeks where I dont loose im happy with because Im not in a race to loose as quick as possible.. I want to give my body plenty of time to adjust.

    I agree with what everyone is saying about extra strength training. I also agree with drinking tons of water to hlep your skins elasticity. Also with using firming lotions or lotions to help with elasticity (like cocoa butter).. anything u can do NOW to help your skin along with help your body in the end of your weight loss goal.

    After losing a total of 46pounds so far, I havent noticed too much extra skin.. My love handles have gone down and my back is looking much nicer and toned (although i still have love handles, but they are smaller and i dont have extra skin hanging off). My neck has gone down and I can see my collar bone. My arms are smaller and i dont see as much sagging skin (heavier meant i had extra skin--more bingo arm)...my face has gotten thinner and i dont have extra skin hanging in my chin area or nothing.. my thighs have gone down a tad but still need alot of improvement.. my calves i can see calf muscle and look nice and toned. However, I feel like i do have some extra skin in my stomach area; but this should go down as i loose.. Im still over 100pounds from my goal so expecting my stomach to look good now is laughable. The front of my upper part of tummy i can pinch extra skin and its visable in a mirror to me (looks all rippely), but I expect its just cuz im still pretty overweihgt and still in the obese catergory.

    I drink at minimum 15cups a day of water, with my goal being 20 a day. I use a organic face clensar on my face to help my skin (called yes to tomatoes), but otherwise i havent begun any lotion products on my body (im broke or else i would). I make sure to get plenty of vitamins.. vitamins a, b, c, e not only help with skin ellasticity, but also with immune system so I never get sick with colds, flu etc. Vitamin K is another one that helps skin, but im not as familiar with it, but know its in certain veggies like brocolli. Omega 3 and 6 will help as well (salmon, and i buy peanut butter, vegatable oil, butter, etc by smart balance brand that has omegas added to it). Do some research on these vitamins and what foods they are in and eat those foods more to help your body and skin. Some of these foods will have alot of these vitamins--like salmon that has omegas, vitamin a & b. spinach has vitamins a, b, c, e, k and omega--which is all for skin ellasticity so spinach would be a great food to eat alot of (I do--i hardly eat any other lettuces now and have a salad once a day usually, although sometimes i run out and can get to the sotre fast enough).

    Im 26 years old, btw.
  • BruceTheHoon
    I would like to say to lloydrt that the skin removal will be a REASONABLY regular part of that show. Other subjects on the show weigh significantly more and Rachel, I believe, was the lightest of the lot.

    I have some pretty serious connections to the show and have met many of the subjects. I will tell you right now that one thing I learned about those people and reality TV in general is that while there are people out there who create drama, there are also people who live in the middle of it and it's hard to find balance. Rachel is a great gal and the tears you saw on her and more importantly the tears you saw on CHRIS were 100% real.

    When you call someone a joke, it does a bit of damage to your argument. Yup - lives at home. She's in her early 20's and is a school teacher. If you think that's the joke, you'd probably better look at how much teachers make in GA. She crys a lot. Yup - self hatred and not being able to ignore it does that to a lot of people. She cries less now. The thing that's strangest to me is that you are talking about TBL as being ripped off. Did you notice that it's not only made by the same production company, about 20 feet away, but also shares names in the credits? There's rip off, then there's laziness, then there's just doing what you know. Pick whichever you like.

    Next: Do you seriously think that Rachel worked out alone all the time? No trainer support? With trainers BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF THEM, TBL people fail all the time. Leaving a 350lb+ woman alone in a house with bad food and bad vibes is not going to create success. EACH subject had a personal trainer to work with constantly when Chris was flying someplace else to help someone else throughout the year. That didn't stop him from giving each subject his personal cell phone number, which I can assure you never stops ringing with calls for help and encouraging words. On that note - Chris is just about the best human being I've ever met. Proud to know him.

    to callipygianchronic: Putting thousands of hours of camera footage into a year is CERTAIN to appear deceptive. Things magically happen because setting them up to where the audience would have any context takes time. I know that at least one producer REALLY wanted this to be a 2 hour program so that the backgrounds and causes of the obesity could be addressed as well as stepping into some of the therapy and other support networks that were created for these people.

    Here's the sad bit. I don't like internet arguments. I REALLY don't want to come back and see who's called me a jerk which will then make me feel like I have to reply and then 4 hours later I wish I had just gone out for a walk. I just happened to know a lot about how this show was made and is still being made and I know how it's been edited for maximum spectacle. Try to look past it. My trick is to look at the facial expressions on the family members faces. Unless you're the Baldwins, you're not going to have enough actors in any family to fake the pain or pride you see there.
  • yvtt
    yvtt Posts: 9