Any other Vegetarians?

I've been using this site for a couple of weeks now, and it's fun! It's making me question everything I eat though. Am I getting enough protein? I know that there is no set amount that people really NEED, but what is a good amount? I just bought some protein powder, and I think that my energy is higher than before. Not because of the protein, but because of everything else in it.

Are there any other vegetarians on this site? How much protein do you eat? I'm not a big fan of soy based products, but I do eat my fair share. I'm also trying to keep my carbs low, so I don't really wheat gluten. I eat a lot of nuts, fage greek yogurt, and cottage cheese though!

Oh yeah, I know about beans and rice and I love quinoa.


  • n0pants3ver
    n0pants3ver Posts: 175
    I'm a veghead! Add me :]
  • SLE0803
    SLE0803 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm a veggie too :) you can track your protein on this site too, which I do. I assume they are about right for how much we should get, but I really don't know for sure. Sorry!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    *raises hand*

    I try to spread the protein around with a combo of eggs, nuts, beans, quinoa and limited soy. My diary is public, feel free to add.
  • HungryTuna
    HungryTuna Posts: 141
    I'm a veggie too, well, pescatarian if you count the 5 times a year I eat fish. lol I don't like putting a label on my food choices as I eat what makes my body feel right. Mostly whole foods, minimally processed if possible, lots of veggies, fruits, nuts, legumes and even protein powders!

    I have to admit it's been hard for me to track my protein. I don't care for dairy that much so I don't want to rely on that. However, I do like greek yogurt (plain, unsweetened). I can't stand milk though.
    Other days I get plenty through eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, and the like. I definitely, DEFINITELY try to get a good "green" protein shake in my day, regardless if I've worked out or not. I usually add kale, celery, carrots, a banana (always!), avocado, and anything in my fridge into my smoothies. Of course, adding a packet of Stevia helps so it goes down easy. lol.

    Anyway, feel free to add me! I'm always looking for other veg-heads to share ideas with!
  • katiecarr27
    I just starting eating vegetarian about 2 weeks ago. I feel like I have so much more energy and I am actually not as hungry as when I was eating more processed foods, sweets, and diet soda. I have always wanted to go veg but I didn't want to be a pizza and french fry vegetarian. I wanted to eat very healthy and make sure I was eating a variety. I am now making sure that I eat quinoa, beans, nuts, dairy, and veggie burgers. I started a healthier life competition with some friends in our MOMS Club and one of my goals was to try to eat healthy things that I had never tried before. I am actually having a hard time getting enough calories now! I eat every 3 to 4 hours but try and eat whole foods so I am not setting off my sweet tooth. I would love any tips anyone has to share! My protein has actually not changed since I stopped eating chicken - I am just conscious of getting it in at each meal and snack to help with my exercising and weight loss.
  • JDesha3
    JDesha3 Posts: 1
    I recently set new diet and fitness goals and am getting back into using this site. I follow a vegan diet so I do get most of my protein from soy products (veggie burgers, Smart ground meat substitute, tofu, etc), and trace amounts from other sources (fruits, veggies, grains, beans, nuts). The research I have done on the topic indicates that anywhere from half a gram to one gram of protein per pound of body weight is what to aim for, for those who workout often / lead very active lifestyles.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm a veg, and I do 35% protein. I do greek yogurt, tempeh, powder, beans, peas, milk. I'm not a big soy based fan either.
  • victoriashea
    victoriashea Posts: 112
    As a vegan, I'd urge you to not stress it too much! Protein's a good thing, definitely keep incorporating it. Mow that quinoa.
    Keep in mind that most American omnivores actually get TOO MUCH protein, which (long term) can lead to kidney problems. That's mostly from animal proteins, so don't stress about that.
    Try to incorporate a good protein source in two of your daily meals, and you'll be just grand.
    And feel free to add me. :)
    Good luck!
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    I used to be a vegetarian and am a guiltily omnivore now (some day I will probably go back to veg or at least pescatarian). I had lost 85lbs as a vegetarian about 4 years ago. I was chatting with some of my vegan friends who bump up their protein with protein powder. Whey protein is vegetarian and you can feel good about getting in lots of protein.

    I have heard lots of things about how much protein we need--some say 50 grams, others have calculations based on how much you weigh--one person even told me 1 gram per pound of your weight. That's a lot!

    I try to get around 100 so I won't lose as much muscle in my weight loss.

    My nutritionist is a pescatarian so you might look for a nutritionist who can give you some guidance. Even one consultation can be helpful.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Apparently im the only guy here that is one.
  • raeanns
    raeanns Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! I am vegan, feel free at add me.
  • mowrynation
    I am not claiming to be a vegan, but do see the benefits and do make better choices than before. I use a vegan protein shake and love it! I do eat red meat once in a while now, instead of a constant basis, clean chicken, fish, eggs.etc.. I don't like to use soy products either. Tracking protein is doable here.

    My friend is a raw food chef hoping she will teach me some skills in that area :-) :happy:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I have been for the past 4.5 years or so. Feel free to add me!

    Protein is something I try to get enough of every day. My daily goal is usually around 100g but I'll be lucky if I get 60-70g per day! I'm trying to get more in, but it's been hard to find low calorie things with protein in them that also don't have much sugar...
  • theivorytower
    I don't want to do the whole 150 grams of protein or anything crazy, but I'm really hoping to gain muscle mass and I hear that protein is important. And i want to see if it'll help my hair grow faster, since hair is pretty much all protein! Just little tweaks to my diet to see if it helps me out on my road to fitness. I haven't eaten meat in 10 years!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I am big into building some muscles at the moment. You should be eating a gram of protein for every pound of your goal weight so for me I shoot for 118 grams a day. It's pretty hard but normally I make it to 100 by eating two serves of protein powder + cottage cheese, eggs, milk, cheese, black beans, nuts etc every day. I only became a vegetarian at the start of this year but am amazed how strength training and this protein intake is building muscle and making definition better than ever, even without meat :) Feel free to add me
  • CaroseH
    CaroseH Posts: 72
    This summer is my 10 year anniversary of being vegetarian too!!! :) If only there were others in my life to celebrate with, when I told my boyfriend he (lovingly and humorously) told me the best way to celebrate would be for me to eat a giant steak! har har har....

    I've been finding that a lot of my protein is dairy-based (cottage cheese, string cheese, yogurt, milk), I'd like to change that because ideally, I'd be a vegan! As of now I'm not really sure where to go for more protein besides soy, there are only so many beans and carbs to eat that really get my protein where I'd like it.

    I aim for around 90 grams a day, but usually fall under that.
  • endopride
    endopride Posts: 19
    i'm a vegetarian as well and have been one most of my life. feel free to add me! :)