Calorie question? Lets try this again

My last post was a little confusing so let me try this again.

Should my net calories at the end of the day be above 1200 (after all my food and workouts are figured in) or is it ok that if after my workout calories are subtracted from what I ate for the day that my net calories are under 1200?

Also, do you typically eat all your workout calories?


  • jackevie829
    jackevie829 Posts: 11
    Now, I am not a doctor, but from what I have seen on the biggest loser and my mom (who lost 100 pounds on her own) is that it is okay to let your net calories be under that 1200 calorie mark.

    For example, on the Biggest Loser they only eat like 1600 calories a day but work out for 7-8 hours. They burn that 1600 calories and then some. That is why they drop the big numbers. Hope this helps. Again, not sound medical advise, but just what I think to be true.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Well I was eating my workout cals since sept and loosing. Then I stopped loosing so I stopped eating them and lost almost 3 lbs in a week. Now its slowed down again but I think we have to keep tricking our bodies. I'm eating some of those cals now again