roller blading

I've been thinking about getting a pair of roller blades and wondered if anyone uses them and do you feel like you get a workout? I haven't been on them since I was a kid and wanted thoughts before I attempted this and get hurt :smile:


  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    where i'm from it rains non stop but as soon as the sun comes out i am out there! it burns MASSIVE calories and gives your lower body a good workout.. your bum and thighs will feel it RIGHT away :)
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    I use to rollerblade 3 hours a day, every day about 14 years ago. It's a GREAT workout for your lower body. Lets just say that I was not this weight when I was bladding...Since I stopped, I gainned 122lbs....
    I tried to do it last year and did it for about an hour and I was out of breath, sweating and it felt great, but still felt like I was to fat for that sport yet, and I'm scared of cars and rock...(I went flying like supper women once...)
  • jenjam27
    jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
    Good to know thanks :), My daughter and I have been riding bikes but she is only 8 so she isn't super speedy so its hard to get my heart rate up so I thought if I bladed while she biked that would be good, we do ride a two seated bike and that is a really good work out for me but I was just looking for something new. I to am worried about hitting a bump and go flying.