Nursing mama planning to do BFL meal plan...advice needed

Hi all-
I'm starting the Body For Life for Women eating plan tomorrow as well as going to start 30-day Shred as soon as it arrives in the mail. I have a 6-month old and am nursing and I'm starting to worry that maybe BFL won't provide enough nutrition to maintain my milk supply. Thinking maybe I should just add a smart protein/carb/fat serving a day to up my calories a bit? Thoughts?


  • chris5432
    chris5432 Posts: 16 Member
    I would defianately add to up your calories. Looking back now to when i was nursing, I definately wasn't eating enough for the entire 9 months i nursed. As a result I lost NO weight the entire time and now i know that was from my body being in starvation mode from exercising/nursing/not eating enough. If i could do it over again, boy would i do things differently!