Swearing off...



  • thatalchemistgirl
    I haven't sworn off anything per say. Its just if I want it, I have to make it at home. So I've sworn off eating out. maybe I have it wrong but, I want to learn to the right way, not just certain things.
  • lorisowers
    lorisowers Posts: 64
    Chinese food... man gotta love those buffets. yum :(

    I love me some chinese buffets....but I have given up going into buffets because their is no way to not go over. I pretty much eat whatever else I want I just include it in my calories for the day
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    BROWNIES!! they are my biggest weakness by far. the batter. warm out of the oven. under a scoop of ice cream. straight outta the pan. i dont care, i LOVE them all! lol. but i have given them up this month. hopefully they lose their effect on me and i can eat one without eating the whole pan. =)