
kitterly Posts: 2
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm pretty athletic as it is. However, I have a hard time bringing myself to just run. I normally just get cardio in by playing sports, mostly basketball, soccer, and football. The problem is 99% of my friends either don't like actually playing the sports or they are friends from college and it's summer break right now. Does anyone have any advise for either bringing myself to just run and making it fun/easier or for just keeping weight off in college?


  • brosehemian
    brosehemian Posts: 34 Member
    im also a college student trying to get in shape before heading back in september. most of the exercise i do is running cause its cheap - all you need are a pair of good running shoes. (and my ipod helps). at first, i hated hauling myself out the door to go run. but i've found a few things that help. find somewhere scenic by your house that's a little nicer than just running on the street. there's a great waterfront trail near where i live. and i always run away from my house. so i go for as long as i can but i still have to turn around and come back so i'm pushing myself extra hard. also, dont be afraid to walk. walking at a fast pace burns calories too. and enjoy yourself. play your music, take some time for yourself, maybe half way through your workout find a nice place to just sit and think or breathe or meditate or just be for a while. i've really come to value my outdoor exercise time.
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