Just one week into MFP

I just love this program, my goal is to lose 20lbs. I lost over 75lbs 3 years ago, and over the past year managed to gain 20 back. It has been hard getting back to the mindset that helped me lose the weight. Until I found this site, I had been searching for something to jump start my motivation. I HAVE FOUND IT with MFP!!! I've lost 2lbs during my first week, and look forward to entering my excercise and food intake. If I can't record it, then I can't have it. This is exactly what I needed!! Thank you and looking forward to the upcoming weeks.


  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Fantastic -- you're off to a great start! And yes, there's no shortage of motivation and support around here. :) Good luck! I've got about the same amount of weight to go, too.

    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • kdadams66
    kdadams66 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement....this weekend was a bit rough, but today back in the saddle. Managed to do a great workout and ate really well. So...onward.