How do you stay sane?

Super busy morning/day that I couldn't eat a good breakfast/lunch, so I was STARVING for dinner.... and I went over my net calories by 153 calories. Even though I ate a lot, I didn't eat over 1500 calories, but I'm on such a role with my weight loss that I'd hate to have a set back... I know, I'm over reacting, but I'm off to do some jumping jacks.....

I hate thinking/feeling this way. How do you guys stay sane and keep from feeling "bad" when not having a great food/exercise day? Support/advice/motivation greatly appreciated :)


  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    Well, sometimes I just say screw it and sometimes I will stay exactly on my calories the next day and exercise without eating back my calories. But, I have found that those days every now and then that I go over a couple of hundred calories actually boosts my weight loss. Kind of confuses my metabolism. As for my sanity, I've always been a little crazy, so I'm pretty comfy in those shoes :tongue:
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    I think we all have days when life is just crazy and hectic and it's difficult to keep on track and we go over. I know I sure do, especially on the weekend days. I think the occasional go over day isn't going to totally mean there won't be any weight loss that week. Forgive your self and set out to do better the next day.
  • Terriann7
    Terriann7 Posts: 78
    You did the best thing, exercise! It is important to allow yourself to live and not beat yourself up. We are all setting a healthy habits and a new life style right? Keep up the good work and keep doing those jumping jacks. :wink:
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    Yea I went over by a little yesterday too because of the same reason and I did jumping jacks too haha. But yay because I woke up super early to go do a 3 mile run before I start my day today. You will be fine. I feel the same way. I am sure we won't end our weight loss by one day.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    You mean we're supposed to stay sane as well as everything else? :bigsmile:

    I try and keep an eye on the big picture, I'm not eating more healthily and exercising for a month or two or a year or two, I'm doing this for the rest of my life.

    This is the way I see it...

    If I go over on one day?
    Well I say to myself that now I'll stay fatter for a little bit longer won't I?
    Tough luck.
    I want to get slimmer more quickly?
    I should not go over my calories very often.
    I see it as taking responsibility for my choices.
    The time to think about what I want to achieve is before I have eaten something, not afterwards.
    It's too late then.