are you an apple, pear, banana or hourglass?



  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    1. How old are you?
    30! Best. age. ever. Not old yet, but starting to get more respect from co-workers and friends and family.

    2. What is your body shape?

    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss?
    Diet made most of the difference in my actual weight loss. I noticed a HUGE difference when I started eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking plain water as opposed to diet pop. Exercise is just the icing on the cake.

    What else has worked? I got therapy for my depression issues, and now that I'm learning to combat that negative inner voice I really am able to do more in my life and find the motivation to fit in exercise and proper diet. My negative self-talk and poor self-image put up a huge road block in my life. I felt like I would like to lose weight and get in shape but always come up with an excuse to put it off. I also stopped talking to my verbally/emotionally abusive father, which helped a ton too! I still have my depression cycles but it is a lot more manageable.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    1. 25
    2. I am always at a loss for an answer for my shape...maybe you can help! lol. When I was chubby (I was 5'2" and 135 which was big for me) it was all in my stomach, arms, and face--my legs, hips and butt were always skinny. But *now* I've been in shape for about 6 years consistently and my current measurements are 33/28/34 which I think is technically straight/banana. I don't think it's an hourglass because there's not a big difference between my waist and hips. Thoughts on this?
    3. Changing my lifestyle is what did it for me...I grew up in a Italian household where more food was better. When I got out on my own I just started eating right and working out and I've been able to maintain ever since.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    1. 29
    2. I have been told I am an Hourglass all the way, although, I sometimes feel differntly!
    3. Diet and execise has def helped me out!!!!!
  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    trying to cut out fat in my diet
    drinking lots of water
    exercise video in morning, and will be starting one at night as well....
  • blackfitnessbarbie
    blackfitnessbarbie Posts: 30 Member
    1. 19
    2. hourglass. i have a big chest and upper back (which pisses me off) and then i have huge legs and a nice *kitten*! (; rawr.
    3. definitely exercise. BUTTTT, if i don't eat well i don't feel like working out. or when i do work out it's half-assed. you know? but then again if i eat ****ty, i can always outdo it with exercise, i love the gym.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    1. 27
    2. although i would love to say banana lol, i'm an hourglass =D.
    3. definately exercise but i have to eat right also
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    1. Sixteen.
    2. I would say I'm between an apple and an hourglass.
    3. I think both, diet and exercise, have made an equal difference in my weight-loss journey.
  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    Age; 47 (48 next month)
    Shape: Apple
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    1. 23
    2. Hourglass
    3. Diet has definitely made the biggest difference, since I've always been a pretty active person. Picking up my activity a little and watching my diet a lot allowed me to lose the first 15 lbs fast. Inches came off quickly, especially at my waist. Now I'm a moderate-heavy exercsier and weight is slow-going (although inches aren't so bad).
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    I am 39
    Hourglass shape
    Exercise is key...I lose weight at a snail's pace without it. With it though, the pounds literally melt off!
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I'm 28 and an hourglass.
    I think diet AND exercise have had equal parts in my weight loss. At first I started off losing quickly and the majority of ti was lost due to diet but as I have began working out more, I've continued to steadily lose.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hello all! i'm 27, and an hourglass.. i think both diet and exercise have helped in my weight loss.. however, i've been dancing between the same 3 pounds for months now, and i'm thinking i need to change my eating and focus on getting away from processed foods!
  • jhoffman27
    jhoffman27 Posts: 55 Member
    1. How old are you?
    2. What is your body shape?
    3. Has diet or exercise made more of a difference in your weight loss? What else has worked?
    I would say they both equally have, exercise helped me tone up and diet has made me lose fat. Running often made my legs look amazing I always get compliments on how toned they look.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member

    Hourglass (or so I always thought) until 2 people, 2 years ago, said I was a Pear. I think the past year has trimmed off some "pearness" on the bottom and evened me out more.

    Losing weight over the last year has totally been a combination of both diet and exercise. I know (but sometimes forget) that is all about the combo. If just watch my food and don't exercise, I maintain. That is cool, but I'm not doing myself any long term favors, besides I really want to work on toning my legs now that I've lost most of my weight there and in my butt. Other key factors are tons of water, plenty of sleep, enjoying the process, making a lifestyle change at home and when I'm out, and also just enjoying myself and not going overboard. I still have beers and desserts. I think allowing yourself to not constantly worry is key. For me, that is. :smile:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm a woman. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm in my mid-thirties, and diet has made FAR more of a difference in my weight loss goals than exercise did. The first 50 were lost before I ever joined a gym. Before that, the only consistent exercise I got was walking my dogs for about 15 minutes a day.
  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    1. 33 years

    I'm naturally a pear, however, I had some enhancements added to the top half of me that balance me out to a hourglass. It's much less noticeable now if I throw on 10lbs than it was before.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    1. 29 years old

    2. I'm an hourglass

    3. Diet & exercise has definitely helped me in the sense that I have more energy....& it's helping me enhance my curves....I love my shape....I'd just like to get to be healthier ....& when I get the weight get toned
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    1. 33
    2. Banana
    3. For weight loss, it was definitely mostly diet, but exercise and strenght training has made a world of difference to how I feel and my bodyfat % and overall look.
  • MindiKat
    MindiKat Posts: 49
    1. 35
    2. An hourglass towards the end of the hour.
    3. Diet has helped as exercise alone seems to make me bulk up before I slim down. Willpower is what I need more than anything!
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    I am an ant LOL