Anyone else feel cheated on calories allowed? =/



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    How quickly are you ACTUALLY losing? I've always lost far faster than mfp predicts, so quickly upped from 1200. I think it way be because I hardly ever watch TV and if I do it's often whilst standing to do the washing up.

    On 1200 calories I counted all exercise, including any tidying away or washing up, but didn't feel the need to when I upped my calories. When I'm really trying to lose I embrace that hungry feeling and see it as success in the making.

    Experiment with your calories until you find what works for you.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    How active would you say I am?
    I work at taco bell (manager) standing making food, moving around...
    At home.. I do sit quite a bit... I like to be on my computer....
    I work AT LEAST 40 hours a week...
    this week it was 10 overtime...
    just a guess would be great...
    also the working at taco bell makes it quite difficult on my calories, don't have the time to eat a lot of small meals, especially being a manager.

    this is me except it's Dunkin Donuts instead of Taco Bell. I open the store and am on my feet 5AM to noon running around daily, then sit in my office for a couple of hours before going home.

    My BodyMediaFit has me at a TDEE of 1800-2200 on a work day. That's without a deficit (maintenance calories). 1 lb a week would be 500 less, so 1300-1700.
    You may even burn more daily since I am 5'2" 108 lbs...

    I think the problem is with activity level. I had to change mine to "highly active" to get it to reflect what my armband was saying.
    Like the girl who said she's a stay at home mom, so she's sedentary... no......stay at home mom's are more active than someone with a cubicle job, by far.

    I would say set it t very active and 1 lb per week, and see how much you are given. You can manually tweak it too....

    I manually set mine to 1600
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    1400 is plenty if you cut out processed foods. You will have to make some choice though. Reduce the amount of bread you eat. Baked or steamed instead of fried foods. increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Go for fish and lean meats if you eat them. I know you work for Taco Bell, but reducing the amount of processed foods in your diet will free up a lot of calories as well as reduce the amount the sodium and sugars in your diet. I would either pack a lunch and supplement it with taco bell foods like bring my own salad and maybe add the meat from Taco bell or not eat it at all.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    How active would you say I am?
    I work at taco bell (manager) standing making food, moving around...
    At home.. I do sit quite a bit... I like to be on my computer....
    I work AT LEAST 40 hours a week...
    this week it was 10 overtime...
    just a guess would be great...
    also the working at taco bell makes it quite difficult on my calories, don't have the time to eat a lot of small meals, especially being a manager.
    I make ziploc snack packs of almonds and dried cranberries. You don't need loads of almonds. I add about 15 and just a iny bit of cranberries. They can fit in your pocket and are a perfect snack .