Zumba - Newbie questions!

princessjaffacakes Posts: 31
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise

I went to my first Zumba class this morning and it was great fun! I can see why people rave about it. I'm so glad I found one before work, as the other is 2 hours after I finish in the evening and wasn't keen to hang around for that long for it.

For those Zumba-ers....

What do you log it under? I've put it under 'dance' for now, not sure why I expected it to have its own listing!

Also how many times do you go a week? What kind of results have you seen (time vs toning/weight loss)? Does it get less effective the better you get at the moves?

I admit I was throwing myself around like a loon a lot, but it was good fun! Lots of questions!

Thanks x


  • I'm going on Friday and wondered what to log it under too - whether to use dance or high impact aerobics?
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    I log it as high impact aerobics.
    Editted as I saw you had more questions:
    I go once or twice a week, but I also do other stuff, such as weights for toning, I think zumba's good for fat burning, and probably for your core and general fitness (as well as just having a laugh)
    I think as you get to know the moves you put more energy in to be honest - enjoy x
  • Natgrazin
    Natgrazin Posts: 6 Member
    I've been going to Zumba for about 2 months. It definitely gets easier and you can concentrate more on working hard and less on keeping up over time. I go twice a week, but they are consecutive days which isn't ideal as on the second day my arms and legs are still tired from the day before. Can't say whether it makes a difference to weight loss - it certainly doesn't without changing what you eat!

    I log it as high impact aerobics. I looked up how many calories Zumba uses per hour and the answer (online - just google it) was between 400-900 per hour! This sounded unlikely to me i.e. too high but high impact aerobics comes in at about the same i.e. 450-500 ish (depending on your weight) per hour. SO it seemed the most appropriate place for me to log it.
  • Gillott232
    Gillott232 Posts: 18 Member
    I log it under "Aerobic- High Impact"

    Right now because of my work schedule I only attend classes once per week. but I zumba at home with my training DVD's and PS3 game everynight for atleast 20-30 minutes. For me, it didnt not get less effective because once I learned the moves, I put more work into them and worked harder at them. Once you get the moves down just put as much energy and style into it as you can. Shake that butt and move those hips.

    I also do my own workouts from home as well. I belong to a FB support girls of fellow mothers and each week we chose a challenge to do and do 100 reps of those per day, and 50 reps of the exercises from the weeks before to get a strength training in with the zumba (which is highly recommended)
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm unable to make it to any classes, so I do zumba sculpt and tone in my living room. Since I can't do spectacular leaps and stuff like you can in classes, I can only assume, I log mine under the modern dance option. Still meaning to get that HRM to confirm what I burn tho!
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