I am somewhat confused! My BMR is 1602 therefore if I eat 1200 calories a day my deficit is only 402 which over a week is 2814 and therefore I would not lose a pound as the deficit needs to be 3500.

Am I calculating it incorrectly? Would appreciate some advice :happy:


  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    You are calculating correctly- unfortunately some of us (especially as we get smaller, and if you're short like me it's a double whammy!) can't lose 1lb a week without technically going under a 1200 NET deficit so we just have to accept smaller losses, or not eat our exercise cals back (and I don't really want to enter that debate!! I personally eat all mine back and just accept smaller losses although I'm considering zig zagging my NET by not eating all my exercise cals back on every other day). At 1200cals NET, MFP projects me to lose 0.9lbs a week, however I rarely lose less than 1lb a week :) usually between 1 and 1.5. Hope this helps!
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    BMR is the amount you need to eat just to survive ie breathe, heart beating and sleeping. it does not account for an daily activities so depending on what you set your activity level at this amount is added to your BMR and that is the amount of the cals required to go through a day and not lose weight. Then MFP takes the 500 cals a day off of that number to get your 3500 deficet for the week
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    what mandy said.

    BMR isn't your maintenance. For instance, if you're activity level is sedentary, your maintenance would be 1602 X 1.2 or 1922 calories, which would make your deficit about 700 calories, not 400.


    whether that's a good goal deficit for you or not, I don't know as I don't know your numbers. It all depends on how much fat you are looking to lose.
  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member
    Ok, thanks for the information, I thought I was working it out wrong! :wink:
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Oh sorry, I misread it as being your BMR with activity ><
  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member
    Yeah me too lol