Desperately need input, please!!!

Hi all...I've been on mfp since last year, but just got serious in April. I started powerwalking (I'm now walking over 5 mph for an hour 5 days a week, plus strength training 3 days.) The walking is brutal--my heart rate is around 180 when I finish. I don't have a hrm, but mfp says I'm burning over 500 cals. I just also started adding in 2 days a week of hiit where I'm doing some sprinting along with the fast walks. I'm also eating clean, have eliminated sugar & ALL processed foods (except whole wheat breads), drink A TON of water every single day. Now, here's my dilemma...I've only lost 6 lbs since I started (11 inches all over my body--that's great, & I'm happy) BUT for the past few weeks, nothing!!! I don't want to get discouraged & I know that I'm making much better choices & staying active...just would like for some advice/input on my diary. I will make it public so people may be able to offer insight. Am I having too many carbs? They're all whole wheat/grain, & I bought Tosca Reno's Recharged book, which says to eat a complex carb w/a lean protein at every meal, so that's what I've been doing. I'm getting about as much veggies in as I can stand too. I don't know. I have another 15 lbs I want to lose & I know slow is best...I just see lots of other people logging much bigger losses & I'm not even losing the 1 lb per week. I try to eat back my exercise calories every day too. I tried zigzagging as well & didn't see results. Please help. Thanks!


  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    where do you carry your weight? all over or in the middle or in the thighs and butt

    if you carry weight in your mid section, cut some carbs to have the belly fat go I am reading a great book called Womens health The Perfect Body Diet and it has formulas for how many calories you should have how to lose for your body type and different strenght training moves to add in

    You may want to add in new exercises of change up your routine to confuse your body and make it keep working for you. Hell you may want to even ease up on a day or 2 and then go back ful force.

    Maybe you should try joging a bit f or a few minutes at a time inbetween the power walk minutes to get in some high intensity.
  • SportyLadyPhotographer
    sometimes your body builds muscle which could counter blance your weight loss
    Or you have reach a level where your body needs time before it will loss weight again
    If not you could get a trainer and do some very fast and fouced work outs to push the body harder
  • angelawilliams29
    angelawilliams29 Posts: 50 Member
    Wow, thanks for such quick responses! :). I carry my weight evenly all over. My measurements right now are 36, 28, 36. I do think I'm building muscle for sure...just didn't know if it was normal to go w/o a change on the scale for so long. I did just start mixing things up (quite a bit) this week...adding in the hiit, where I'm going full-force sprinting between walking. A trainer is out of the question, so I'm gonna just have to push myself! ;) thanks again!
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on your lifestyle change and healthy eating!! That is a MAJOR feat in itselfI am in a similar situation to you, I am working out almost every day twice a day, I'm eating clean, not drinking any alcohol, I'm in week 6 of a 12 week challenge, in these 6 weeks I thought the weight would drop off fairly quickly seeing as I'm being SO disciplined, but it isn't, I got really down about it at the start of this week but my MFP buddies were able to pull me out of it and convince me to keep going...when you see the scale move it is soooo motivating, and when it stops you think "why am I bothering?"BUT I really think we just have to keep pushing through it, I have changed my diet a bit this week and mixing things up to try and shock my body! I have 6 kilos to lose and determined to get there in the next 6 diary is open if you would like to have a look, I'll have a look at yours and see if I can offer any suggestions, would be very interested to hear other peoples comments too, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like extra support
  • angelawilliams29
    angelawilliams29 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi,sloanie1! Thanks so much for the attagirl! ;). Yes, you're DO expect to see BIG changes (at least I did!) when you turn things around so drastically! But I know my body will do what it'll time. I'm just impatient! You ever start getting nervous b/c you just may not be doing everything just *right*?? that's been my problem these past couple of weeks--I'm not cheating at all, logging everything & being very faithful, yet I continuously second guess I not doing x,x, or too much of x?? I'm such a worrywart! Anyway, suggestions would be great & I added u as a friend! Thx again!! :)
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I wouldn't be overly concerned. I have been holding at the same weight for over a month but have nearly dropped another pant size. Our bodies seem to find a comfort zone after awhile and hold there. Eventually you break through. This week, I finally dropped 2 pounds. Not nearly as fast as I want, so I understand your frustration. Congratulations on changing your lifestyle. To me that is the hardest part. Keep it up!
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    This is kinda happening to me right now....I just started getting serious and counting calories about 3 weeks ago and although I *feel* a lot better, NO weight loss, yet. I've heard from some mfp people to drink a ton of water "when you think you've had enough, drink another liter" and do some high intensity intervals. Your measurements are similar to mine---I bet we have a similar body type. Also I've heard that it's okay to go over on the protein in mfp's tracker. I'm gonna try doing the intervals inste
    ad of my cardio workout that I normally do, and see. You're welcome to friend me if you want!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Wow, thanks for such quick responses! :). I carry my weight evenly all over. My measurements right now are 36, 28, 36. I do think I'm building muscle for sure...just didn't know if it was normal to go w/o a change on the scale for so long. I did just start mixing things up (quite a bit) this week...adding in the hiit, where I'm going full-force sprinting between walking. A trainer is out of the question, so I'm gonna just have to push myself! ;) thanks again!

    ok yor measurements look really good soyou are not holding weight in your belly and it is below the recommended 31-35 inches for a woman so maybe you are very close to your goal and your body won't let you lose much more. I don't know you exact body fat % but when you get in the 17-22% range as a woman you need what you have left and maybe the rest will be just toning and reshaping what you've got i sure i wish I was there
  • angelawilliams29
    angelawilliams29 Posts: 50 Member
    ok yor measurements look really good soyou are not holding weight in your belly and it is below the recommended 31-35 inches for a woman so maybe you are very close to your goal and your body won't let you lose much more. I don't know you exact body fat % but when you get in the 17-22% range as a woman you need what you have left and maybe the rest will be just toning and reshaping what you've got i sure i wish I was there

    Well thanks...& I keep thinking that too but try not to b/c at 5'4.5, I'm still weighing in at 155 lbs, which puts me in the "overweight" category for bmi. :(. I believe I'm around 26% or so. So I def still could afford to lose some, I think, but I know what you're saying. I actually lost 100 lbs (!) over about 4 years, then the last 3 I've gained about 25 back :( & now it's coming off so slowly. My lowest ever was 135. I'm 20 lbs above that now! I'm just now going to turn 30 in Oct. I know my metabolism has probably slowed some, especially since I've dieted so much & fluctuated over all these years...I should just be happy w/what it gives me!!!
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    ya, i get the whole "you don't look overweight!" thing from people a lot, but i hold it all over and in my boobs, plus i have a lot of muscle tone naturally. my bmi is technically "obese" but i'm a size 8-10 and 5'3"
  • angelawilliams29
    angelawilliams29 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank u for your input too, Tammy & kater8er! It sure is nice to know I don't face this alone & that I'm not crazy!! ;). I think it IS huge that we've all made the changes we have...guess we just need more patience! I hope to start seeing some more loss & hope you all do too, but for now I guess we just keep pushing through!!!
  • angelawilliams29
    angelawilliams29 Posts: 50 Member
    Yep, you're speaking my story!!! I may be just a tad bit taller, but everything else u said...right on!! People keep saying "you look so skinny!," etc...I'm not seeing it in the mirror though...although some clothes are much looser now! Guess it's just part of it, especially having always had body image issues. :(
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Sounds to me like you've reached the point where endless cardio is going to hurt you rather than help you. If you are 26% body fat, then you just need to build some muscle to amp up your metabolism.

    You need to focus on strength training, eating enough calories and protein, and only doing intervals for cardio.

    When strength training, focus on building muscle. This means doing lower reps with higher weights. Stay away from barbie weights and high reps.

    Create a strength training routine (or find one on the internet) that is comprised mainly of compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, lunges, dips, pushups, pullups, back rows, shoulder presses, core work, etc.

    If you focus on building muscle and let yourself eat enough fuel that your body needs, you will see wonderful results. Promise!
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Yes it is really tough sometimes, the whole body image thing has ruled my life for a long long time, every day is a new day and a learning curve, we are sooo hard on ourselves too which makes you feel worse, it's easy to forget the changes we have made and results we have seen, easier to focus on the negative, the mind is very powerful and we never see all the good things everyone else so easily sees! So here is to pushing ahead and staying really focused, we are really doing a great job and should be proud

  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I started powerwalking (I'm now walking over 5 mph for an hour 5 days a week, plus strength training 3 days.) The walking is brutal--my heart rate is around 180 when I finish.
    I did just start mixing things up (quite a bit) this week...adding in the hiit, where I'm going full-force sprinting between walking.
    No idea what age you are, but unless you're 20 years old, exercising at a heart rate of 180 is far too high. If you want to keep the current calorie burn until you're fitter, drop the speed and increase the distance.
    I'm not even losing the 1 lb per week. I try to eat back my exercise calories every day too. I tried zigzagging as well & didn't see results. Please help. Thanks!
    Half a pound a week would be perfectly normal once you have so little weight to lose, if you're losing more than that you're onto a winner.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    This is where I get sooooo confused!! I started off weight training and built up to reasonably heavy weights (I love weight training!) and I was doing very little cardio, I decided to try this after reading so many posts about it, then I got told by a trainer at the gym that I need to do more cardio and lighter weights....I just don't know whether I'm coming or going!! Like you said Angela you try to do all the right things to find out you are doing them wrong, I'm willing to put in 100per cent effort but would hate to think I'm wasting my time and energy....I guess everyones bodies are different.
  • angelawilliams29
    angelawilliams29 Posts: 50 Member
    Ok, yes, now I'm really confused!!! I am 29 years old, btw. Apparently everyone's input is based on my exercise, not my food intake. Only one comment on food diary & it was positive (thank u!) ;). So, back 7 years ago (& 80 lbs heavier!), my dr. suggested I start a walking program to lose weight. He recommended walking for 30 min the first week, 45 the second, & an hour the third. I lost 55 lbs in 5 months just by doing that & cutting cokes. Then I got to a point I had to change my diet, so I went to a center called "Quick Weight Loss," where you're on a super strict 1065 cal/day diet w/no exercise. I lost another 40 lbs here in 4 months & did the rest on Weight Watchers. Walking has always been my favorite form of exercise & one I know I'll stick w/for life. I've done every exercise imaginable, as my hubby & I used to be majorly athletic. We used to do jui jitsu, judo, kickboxing, power yoga, run & bike together, etc. Time & life doesn't allow for all those things now, as we gave our life to the Lord 3 years ago (since is when I gained weight back--much fellowship around food!) & I now homeschool our children. So I'm doing as much as I can, getting in an hour a day to walk. I thought the higher I got my heart rate, the better. I started the same program the dr. put me on 6 weeks ago, building my way up & now am walking over 5 mph for the entire hour. That's why my heart rate is so high. My hubby says I look like an Olympic walker & no one can keep up w/me. Like I said, I have added strength training but am mostly doing lots of arms & abs as my legs are so whooped from the walk/running. I am using 20 lb weights though. I'd love more input on all of this. Here's my current exercise plan I just started this week:

    M-walk 5 mph 30 min, 4-4.5 mph 15 min (w/kids), strength train 20 min
    T-walk 4-4.5 mph 30 min (w/kids) a.m.; walk 5 mph (w/hubs) p.m.
    W-walk/sprint hiit 30 min & strength train 20 min
    F-same as Tues
    S-same as Wed

    So, one lady said no cardio? At all?? Thank u all for your advice!!