exercise routine ideas

Oliversmummyx Posts: 50
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise

Hope you can help!

Im looking for an exercise routine that can easily be done at home and focus's on the stomach and hips area. (not DVD)

I like ‘proper’ sit ups and I can think of some stretches but other than that bit clueless (im mainly looking to tone and bonus would be a bit of weight loss)

So basically does anyone have a good routine they would be happy to share? Id like to know;

• What exercises focus on these areas?
• How many reps & sets
• How often (daily?)

Thanks so much in advance



  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Try running.
  • cha36jennings
    cha36jennings Posts: 99 Member
    I have tried to introduce a routine based on interval training.
    Few mis of cardio (either jump rope, star jumps etc), followed by strength (pushups, situps, bicycle crunches, leg raises, leg press)
    I aim for 3 repetitions of the above circuit every 2-3 days. This is done in conjunction with brisk walking (can't jog/run due to joint issues) and eliptical training (25 mins).
    Biggest impact seen so far is cellulite reduction :-)
  • peeps1981
    peeps1981 Posts: 2
    I have been doing circuit training for the past 3 weeks and it burns 600 calories per hour session. I do it in a gym but a lot can be done at home, It includes:-
    10 minutes walking, 10 minutes running, 5 minutes kick ups and knees up, 3 minutes press ups, 3 minutes sit ups, 3 minutes burpees, 3 mins squats, 3 mins lunges, 3 mins stomach crunches, 3 minutes arm curls (i use weights but you could use bags of shopping, coke bottles etc) 3 mins skipping, 3 mins hoola hoop, 3 mins sprints, then some lunges and squats holding a weight (if at home you could use something weighing around 10kg) plus many more making upto an hour.....

    Hope this helps

  • Hi,
    You need to get past the myth of spot fixing (ie focusing on one area eg: stomach and hips) the body just doesn't work like that. eg: Doing crunches doesn't make you lose fat specifically on your stomach/abs. It may be a by product of doing exercise and generally losing weight but it doesn't specifically target those areas.

    If you are worried about those areas you may need to bring your general body fat % down. The common way is a combination of 2 methods
    1. Eat healthily and watch your calories (ie:not too high not to low.)
    2. ANY regular exercise that keeps your heart rate up, find something you enjoy so you can stick at it for life.

    Goalseeker suggested running. That is a good start, but dependent on your level of fitness you may not be able to maintain it for long and as such it may be demoralizing and slow.

    I would suggest a circuit to keep the heart rate up while varying the muscles to get an all round tine

    Warm up then
    Run outside or on the spot for 1 minute
    Press ups
    Side Plank (left and right)

    Repeat till you have exercised for 20-30 minutes
    I would alternate this with a day of completely different exercise eg: yoga, pilates or anything that strengthens your core. It will give you great posture and make you feel amazing. Good luck
  • Deebucko
    Deebucko Posts: 2

    Have you tried Kettlebell training ? I bought a DVD on ebay and do the work out at home. You will need to buy a kettlebell first but the amount of calories you can burn with a kettlebell is just as much as running yet you are toning your whole body at the sametime.


  • shazzabir
    shazzabir Posts: 42 Member
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