What's your best piece of home exercise equipment?



  • I just purchased the Ab Doer Twist machine. I have had extreme lower back ache for about 5 or more years. This piece of equipment is amazing -- after the first use, the backache is gone and hasnt returned. It is great for limbering up your muscles. The workouts are very easy to do and the first AB routine that allows you to sit. Love it! Actually look forward to the workout.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    6 year old Golden named spencer! lol
    I wish my dog was like that! I have a large dog as well, and I take her on long walks, but she's so SLOW (she stops to sniff and pee and stuff very frequently). Walking a three mile loop with her took three hours. Never going on that route again with her!

    On the plus size, raising and walking three malamutes (they're bred to pull heavy sleds) have helped put some muscle on my back for all the pulling...
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